KGB - had it once, haven't heard of it since


Active Member
Hi guys,

Sometime last winter, a good source of mine got my mate and I a quarter of KGB. It was the best thing I've ever had, and I just don't hear a thing about it. It's legendary to us and the few other friends who smoked it with us, but it really doesn't seem to be a big thing on here, which surprises me.
Basically, I just want to see if anyone else has heard much tell of it, or has tried it.

It was an extraordinarily 'up' high, flat out trippy... just sheer pants-on-head crazy. It was the kind of stuff that took you elsewhere, induced uncontrollable merriment, raving and laughter, and got halfway hallucinogenic at about three bowls. I simply have never had anything like it.

I just wondered if some of our good, worldly vets might be able to tell me something about KGB. Basically just want to hear that someone else knows about this stuff, and any general info on the strain.



Active Member
I assume it's named after the infamous Soviet spy agency, but I'm not really sure. But there's my problem, I guess.. lack of info! :( I did also google it and found that it is (or was) a common term for "Killer Green Buds," but that seemed to refer more to weed in general than to any specific strain, which this most certainly was.

I also found it in our Strain List A-Z thread, which helps me feel it's a legit strain, but all that says is "Vancouver seeds, Afghani x Burmese." I looked on Vancouver seeds, and there's no such product on their site... And it may mean more to some of you other guys, but Afghani x Burmese is pretty broad, no?

Also, I've found it referenced as having been crossbread with other varieties to make new strains, but I can't find anything about the actual strain 'KGB'. Here's a site that has KGB listed in the lineage for several different strains:
But as you may notice if you search around, they don't list KGB in their "1000 strains" section, and the strain lists on their forums are the same as ours.

I'm stumped, which is a bummer. I'd love to find some of that again. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
i used to grow it.. mmmm that smell and that taste... soooo good, but i havent heard of it since


KGB is very much alive in Colorado. I had some for the first time last night. 2 good hits off of a bowl and I was DONE!


Active Member
Many thanks for the replies, guys. I'll definitely just have to keep my eyes open for it then. I was weirded out when I couldn't find any info on it, but it's good to hear it's out there and known, and I'm glad to hear you dudes liked it as much as we did!


Active Member
I'm from Europe.. Have heard of it allot, but never smoked it...
Actually the fact that iv'e heard of it could mean its more grown in europe because a lot of strains from this forum are unknown to me (and i know quite a few)
This probably means that there's a big variety between strains from europe and america...
Last time I heard of it must be at least a years back since i can't recall when or were or from who exactly...


Well-Known Member
I know this is a very very old thread, but if anyone is trying to find info these seeds, I got some recently and they sell under the name of Good House Seeds, and they proved difficult to get.
They are crosses and I got the Manolito#1 and Special AK#2. I plan to cross a Manolito with a KC Brains Mindbender on my next grow, as both strains seem pretty mysterious and am expecting some mysterious results too.
Best of luck to anyone in finding them and the grow.


Well-Known Member
That's a beautiful plant you have there,congratulations..
I was interested in the Burmese genetics involved, so I got 6 seeds, 4 Manolito and 2 AK/Special.


Well-Known Member
That's a beautiful plant you have there,congratulations..
I was interested in the Burmese genetics involved, so I got 6 seeds, 4 Manolito and 2 AK/Special.
Thanks. My First time growing.... I need to pick up some beans myself but I REALLY lucked up this unknown bagseed. Start of week 5 flower. Will be busy with clones for a while.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. My First time growing.... I need to pick up some beans myself but I REALLY lucked up this unknown bagseed. Start of week 5 flower. Will be busy with clones for a while.
Good luck, hope you get similar results as that one in the pic. She's a nice looking lady.


Well-Known Member
Used to get what they called kgb grown outdoors in Oregon in the late 80s it probably faded away in time due to the simple name I think there is probably a few strains with that name lurking out there these days where everything has some catchy little title kinda like high end fishing lures they don't have to catch fish only catch fishermen