Glen Beck's a Douche!


Well-Known Member
sounds like your racist when it comes to interacial sex
Sounds like you want to be congratulated. Maybe you live where "inter racial sex" is super cool, or something to be admired for. Where I live, it's no big thing. Only to racists.:roll:


Well-Known Member
my point is that the color of the skin has nothing to do with how some people (like myself) feel about someone else .. sexually speakin.. if i was black and she was white would you still say something snude and racist?

Yes, he would.

Bet on it.


Active Member
Unless government quotas are involved...then it matters. A vagina is always preferable to a penis. Unless it's a black penis and a white vagina. Or unless it's a liberal penis and a conservative vagina. Or a young penis and an old vagina. Or............... :roll:
What about an old penis and a young vagina? You hate on everyone else, are you some leacherous old man or something?


I can already see the che guevara t-shirts hanging in your closet. lol.. It takes alot of bravery to be a wistle blower. Facts sting bad. Debates are done with facts. Thats why Obama wont go on Fox News. Mike Moore did. He looked like an idiot that wouldnt admit he's a millionair. What a joke. Obama is a nice smile and a great reader. Thats it! Him Bush and Clinton All bilderberg group puppets. Your lack of knowledge is scary! Get skoold your part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
che guevara seeemed cool.. he tried to over throw the us backed preisdent of cuba :D

we have to much foreign policy and glenn beck calls it like he sees it... hes not 100% perfect but at lest he has bigger balls then the rest to try to show the corruption.. heck hes already got 5 insider whistle blowers


Active Member
che guevara seeemed cool.. he tried to over throw the us backed preisdent of cuba :D

we have to much foreign policy and glenn beck calls it like he sees it... hes not 100% perfect but at lest he has bigger balls then the rest to try to show the corruption.. heck hes already got 5 insider whistle blowers
You want balls in exposing corruption, check out the Ed Show or Countdown. I know most of you guys hate MSNBC, but have you ever actually watched it?


Active Member
I can already see the che guevara t-shirts hanging in your closet. lol.. It takes alot of bravery to be a wistle blower. Facts sting bad. Debates are done with facts. Thats why Obama wont go on Fox News. Mike Moore did. He looked like an idiot that wouldnt admit he's a millionair. What a joke. Obama is a nice smile and a great reader. Thats it! Him Bush and Clinton All bilderberg group puppets. Your lack of knowledge is scary! Get skoold your part of the problem.
Why won't Chenney, or Bush go on MSNBC (not counting Meet the Press)? There is a difference between being scarred that you will get tough questions based on REAL FACTS, and knowing you will be ambushed by a hack like Bill O'Reilly or Beck with BS like birth certificates and death panels


Well-Known Member
I have that channel but havent watched much on it... what are some of the good shows that show corruption, isnt one sided, and favors smaller government? Ill check them out if you can recommend some that have any one of them standards... im a small gov type of guy.. and yes they totally went over board with death panels .... but not birth certificates... the birth certificate should have been shown at the begining


Active Member
That's where we diverge, I believe government can help people. At least watch more CNN (not Lou Dobbs), I'd say they are the most balanced. Anderson Cooper isn't bad. Progressive and proud of it!


Well-Known Member
I have that channel but havent watched much on it... what are some of the good shows that show corruption, isnt one sided, and favors smaller government? Ill check them out if you can recommend some that have any one of them standards... im a small gov type of guy.. and yes they totally went over board with death panels .... but not birth certificates... the birth certificate should have been shown at the begining

It's a news channel. for the most part (aside from the opinion shows) they report the NEWS. They don't advocate for bigger/smaller government, as that is not the job of NEWS reporters.

Fox's entire lineup is politically skewed. Even their "business" reporter, that Cavuto guy, has a political slant to his show. WTF is with that?

Just FYI, the birth certificate WAS shown from the beginning. Maybe not the mythical "long form" (which no state even issues anymore) that the "birthers" are demanding to see, but the regular old "certification of live birth" that any of us would get.


Active Member
I have that channel but havent watched much on it... what are some of the good shows that show corruption, isnt one sided, and favors smaller government? Ill check them out if you can recommend some that have any one of them standards... im a small gov type of guy.. and yes they totally went over board with death panels .... but not birth certificates... the birth certificate should have been shown at the begining
Even favoring smaller government check out the Ed Show and Countdown, you might be surprised. They meet 2 out of your 3.


Well-Known Member
What is this "smaller government" thing, anyway? There are 535 voting members of Congress (House and Senate, combined), and ONE President. There are 330 MILLION citizens of the United States.

As the population grows, the number of legislators grows as well. This was outlined in Article One of the United States Constitution, and is how it has always been.

While I agree that certain government agencies have too much power, I have no qualms with the SIZE of government. It's logical that as the population grows, the number of people employed by the government should grow.