Glen Beck's a Douche!


Well-Known Member
cool thanks guys... i used to dig fox news alot but it seems like its getting one sided and they take great things and blow them out of proportion to freak people out... i gotta agree that the news shouldnt be politically sided.. they should just report facts and not put there own agenda inside of it.. but once in a while its good to listen to someone on tv that shares some of my own ideas... Im not for extremely small government but smaller then what we have... i beleive that we should be taking care of ourselves more and not having the gov do it for us... getting rid of some gov organizations like the DEA... let the locals police the area and not federalies


Active Member
Keith Olbermann is pretty awesome. Ed... well, you gotta give him credit for being passionate.
Exactly, Ed is passionate about making sure the normal guy doesn't get fucked by the system. He has been great in the Health Reform debate. I would have definately mentioned Rachael also, but I think a lot of these guys would blow her off for being a lesbian


Well-Known Member
The type of smaller goverment I desire is one that gets rid of the DEA, the world wide embassy, the federal reserve, the czars (because that arent elected), and less cops

Im sure you two can find 2 days worth of fun stuff to nail me on with this list haha


Active Member
cool thanks guys... i used to dig fox news alot but it seems like its getting one sided and they take great things and blow them out of proportion to freak people out... i gotta agree that the news shouldnt be politically sided.. they should just report facts and not put there own agenda inside of it.. but once in a while its good to listen to someone on tv that shares some of my own ideas... Im not for extremely small government but smaller then what we have... i beleive that we should be taking care of ourselves more and not having the gov do it for us... getting rid of some gov organizations like the DEA... let the locals police the area and not federalies
I think we can all agree the DEA should be abolished


Well-Known Member
cool thanks guys... i used to dig fox news alot but it seems like its getting one sided and they take great things and blow them out of proportion to freak people out... i gotta agree that the news shouldnt be politically sided.. they should just report facts and not put there own agenda inside of it.. but once in a while its good to listen to someone on tv that shares some of my own ideas... Im not for extremely small government but smaller then what we have... i beleive that we should be taking care of ourselves more and not having the gov do it for us... getting rid of some gov organizations like the DEA... let the locals police the area and not federalies

So you don't actually mean smaller in SIZE, just less powerful in certain areas. I can dig that. I don't think the DEA should go away, but I do think pot should be legalized so the DEA can focus on the REAL problems with drugs in our country.

I'm down with reducing the size and power of our military, though. At least abroad. Bring those guys back here where they're actually doing US some good.


Well-Known Member
The type of smaller goverment I desire is one that gets rid of the DEA, the world wide embassy, the federal reserve, the czars (because that arent elected), and less cops

Im sure you two can find 2 days worth of fun stuff to nail me on with this list haha

Those "czars" are mostly just advisors, and many of them are actually confirmed by the Senate and run different government agencies (FDA, DOJ, etc). Fox news has blown the "czar" thing out of proportion, too.

the only "czars" that have any real power, have been confirmed by the Senate. They aren't even really called "czars", that's a word the media made up to describe them.

The federal reserve is a private bank, and not part of the government at all.


Well-Known Member
We actually need those embassies. They are very good for American citizens who live or travel abroad.


Well-Known Member
The fed reserve is a government upon itself. They print money and sell our debt overseas to other countries. We should back up our currency with precious metals again so that if the dollar fails then we can at least get something back out of it besides a warm fire in the winter time by buring our worthless dollars ... saying hyper inflation hit us do to over printing like it has other countries

Those "czars" are mostly just advisors, and many of them are actually confirmed by the Senate and run different government agencies (FDA, DOJ, etc). Fox news has blown the "czar" thing out of proportion, too.

the only "czars" that have any real power, have been confirmed by the Senate. They aren't even really called "czars", that's a word the media made up to describe them.

The federal reserve is a private bank, and not part of the government at all.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, Ed is passionate about making sure the normal guy doesn't get fucked by the system. He has been great in the Health Reform debate. I would have definately mentioned Rachael also, but I think a lot of these guys would blow her off for being a lesbian

I like Rachael, she obviously knows her shit about politics but she doesn't take herself too seriously.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I mean less powerful government and closing of some of the gov... we still need public education and stuff like that... education is of the upmost importance... i meant military bases and not embasys... not sure if there is a difference..but we have over 15 military bases around the world and we totally should bring every troop home... we can use them to protect our own country and not others... build our borders stronger and have our troops here incase we are attacked...and let thosecountries have there true freedom back without our strict forein policy... if another hitler happend then i believe we should step in if thats what the people want(which im sure they would)

EDIT: we have over 150 unecessary military bases


Active Member
The type of smaller goverment I desire is one that gets rid of the DEA, the world wide embassy, the federal reserve, the czars (because that arent elected), and less cops

Im sure you two can find 2 days worth of fun stuff to nail me on with this list haha
Czars are just advisors, it is a simple way of stating their full title, ie. "The Drug Czar" = Director of the National Office of Drug Policy, or "Energy Czar" = Director of the Office of Energy Policy. The president makes the decisions, they just advise. It is hillarious that the righty's are so up in arms when it was Nixon who started the whole thing and G.W. Bush had 47 Czars, Obama has 32, where was the outrage then? Some Czars are confirmed by congress


Well-Known Member
The fed reserve is a government upon itself. They print money and sell our debt overseas to other countries. We should back up our currency with precious metals again so that if the dollar fails then we can at least get something back out of it besides a warm fire in the winter time by buring our worthless dollars ... saying hyper inflation hit us do to over printing like it has other countries
Kinda-sorta true...but the Fed only backs the securities we sell to other countries, the US treasury is the entity that actually sells them.

We "sell" our debt to the Fed, too, but we call it "monetizing" the debt. What it really is is a giant Ponzi scheme... They loan us the money, then we turn around and sell it back to them so they can loan us some more. It's like a giant game of pass around the monopoly money, and I agree, it's completely ridiculous.


Active Member
Yes, I mean less powerful government and closing of some of the gov... we still need public education and stuff like that... education is of the upmost importance... i meant military bases and not embasys... not sure if there is a difference..but we have over 15 military bases around the world and we totally should bring every troop home... we can use them to protect our own country and not others... build our borders stronger and have our troops here incase we are attacked...and let thosecountries have there true freedom back without our strict forein policy... if another hitler happend then i believe we should step in if thats what the people want(which im sure they would)

EDIT: we have over 150 unecessary military bases
Exactly, why do I care if afghanistan has a democratic government, as long as Al Qaeda is no longer their. Those hundreds of billions of dollars should be spent at home improving infrastructure, fixing health care, creating green jobs, etc


Well-Known Member
Yes, I mean less powerful government and closing of some of the gov... we still need public education and stuff like that... education is of the upmost importance... i meant military bases and not embasys... not sure if there is a difference..but we have over 15 military bases around the world and we totally should bring every troop home... we can use them to protect our own country and not others... build our borders stronger and have our troops here incase we are attacked...and let thosecountries have there true freedom back without our strict forein policy... if another hitler happend then i believe we should step in if thats what the people want(which im sure they would)

EDIT: we have over 150 unecessary military bases
Yes, I agree we should not have so many military bases in other nations. I think it's kind of telling that we have so many, but there are no foreign military bases in the US....and I'm sure if another country tried to establish one we would quickly commence blowing them to tiny bits.

Embassies are a different thing entirely, and like I said, they are mostly good.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, why do I care if afghanistan has a democratic government, as long as Al Qaeda is no longer their. Those hundreds of billions of dollars should be spent at home improving infrastructure, fixing health care, creating green jobs, etc
WE don't even really have a democratic government, so it seems really hypocritical of us to demand that other nations establish them. What's even worse is that it's our very presence in Afghanistan that is giving the taliban more power, because the more innocent civilians we kill, the more civilians join the insurgency to fight against us.

It's almost a given at this point that Bin Laden is no longer even IN Afghanistan, and has most likely fled to bordering Pakistan (the country we should be worried about, since they have nukes), yet we remain in Afghanistan for what? Because we want to "win"? I didn't realize there was going to be a prize....


Well-Known Member
not only would we blow the military base up but we would blow their country up lol.. i gotta crash.. got finals this week and i totally need to get my GPA up... NO NO i dont go to oaksterdamn marijuan growing university but its the next best thing :D (for now) i might go to oaksterdamn some day


Active Member
I think it's hillarious how the Health Insurance Companies put out this BS report how reform will raise the rates for consumers, right before the senate finance committee vote tommorrow. Last I checked, the Insurance Co's fix the prices; is this their way of threatening to raise rates if this passes? What a bunch of bastards!


Well-Known Member
I think it's hillarious how the Health Insurance Companies put out this BS report how reform will raise the rates for consumers, right before the senate finance committee vote tommorrow. Last I checked, the Insurance Co's fix the prices; is this their way of threatening to raise rates if this passes? What a bunch of bastards!

The insurance companies seem to operate much the same way our own government does. Instead of CUTTING wasteful spending to reduce costs, they simply raise prices (or taxes).

Yes, they are bastards.