Cali outdoor medi grow - TRAINWRECK


Well-Known Member
These are some plants Ive been cloning for about 3 harvests now. This is probably the last one, since I didn't cut anymore, and I have so many new strains to try out now... anyway, here are some pics.. first outdoor grow, 4th grow ever...



Well-Known Member
These are some clones Ive had for about 3 harvests now (kept em going). This is probably the last one, since I didn't cut anymore, and I have so many new strains to try out now... anyway, here are some pics.. first outdoor grow, 4th grow ever...
bump. No one stoked on these, huh??


Active Member
are u from the uk cuz if u are then thats impressive for outdoors m8 im trying some outdoors now and they are cali train wreck looking good so far weather has been ok will have some pics soon


Active Member
gonna take a completely random stab in the dark here and say, judging from the thread title, 'cali outdoor med grow', he's probably not from the uk dude...