SW FEM from seed, CFL in PC 111 watts actual


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Decided to start a grow journal and give me something to do in the meantime.

Growing in a pc using FFOF soil. I grew in 18/6 for 2 weeks and have been on 12/12 6 days. Today "MJ" as I named her, is 20 days from seed. I started lst about a week ago and she seems to be ok. She is short and leafy and a fem seed. Some small burns from the mylar but nothing to worry about. Here is pics from day 18 and today day 20. Not a huge difference but she is getting a bit taller...No sign of sex yet...Feel free to comment, first grow:roll: She is not overwatered either, her leaves are just too big for the pot:) She is a BUSH lol.

18 days

20 days

20 days



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Decided to start a grow journal and give me something to do in the meantime.

Growing in a pc using FFOF soil. I grew in 18/6 for 2 weeks and have been on 12/12 6 days. Today "MJ" as I named her, is 20 days from seed. I started lst about a week ago and she seems to be ok. She is short and leafy and a fem seed. Some small burns from the mylar but nothing to worry about. Here is pics from day 18 and today day 20. Not a huge difference but she is getting a bit taller...No sign of sex yet...Feel free to comment, first grow:roll: She is not overwatered either, her leaves are just too big for the pot:) She is a BUSH lol.

18 days

20 days

20 days

Well how does she lookbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Can you all see the pics? First journal here so I would like to know just to make sure. Anyone grown Snow White b4?
Update tomorrow evening. I started 1/2 dose of FF nuts, grow big and big bloom. Some leaves have a slight curl so I think the ph may be off a bit but she is still growing but it does not seem as fast as it was...perhaps the lst moved growth underneath but the stem is thick!


Pic just a minute ago, not much different from yesterday, a tad taller and leaves just a tad fuller...



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Here are some pics of my SW fem from seed, day 23.

I think I have a couple of issues but maybe nothing serious. Pics included.

#1: I seem to be experiencing Ram Horn and some leaf curling, nothing yellow, not burned and in general, the plant looks healthy. Using FFOF soil and have not started nuts yet.

#2:I seen one gnat, only one and a few days ago, not since...

The top of the plant, top view seems to not have moved much. I don't think those are hairs but if they are they have not moved in 3 days or so ( see following pics)
These over view shots the leaves have hardly grown at all and have just stayed all cramped together??

#3. Growth after the second week or so seems to have haulted, she is still growing but every day its hard to find when or where.

Growing in pc so space is limited. Using 111 watts cfl actual watts and vegged 18/6 for 14 days and have been on 12/12 since.

Can anyone help me out? I am sure its not rootbound as I dont think that I am seeing any signs of that and don't think the root system got big enough anyway...

Here are pics from the days they were taken. Can anyone help me out and offer me some feedback or suggestions on why growth may have slowed? Perhaps its growing underneath after I lstd it but this is my first grow from seed so not sure what to expect etc.....

The first 4 pics are from top left across the top are from the 10th. The 5th on the top and the bottom left are from the 13th. The last two from today..

Thanks RIU. This is the best place for help..:lol:

Attached Thumbnails



Well-Known Member
Here she is, day 24. Got a tad taller but still growin. I think I may have seen a pistol but did not get a pic of it. I am waiting now until she is dry to even water as I think my problem was not checking under the soil enough. Still green so she can't be all that unhealthy.. What do you guys think?:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Well I am seeing pistols in a few places. She grew a bit taller today and I trimmed a bottom leaf or two that were laying near the soil doing no good and were not getting any light. Pics tomorrow. She has a minty sort of stank to her and only when you start moving her leaves around. I wanted to eat the leaves I cut they smelled so good! Update tommorrow. Can someone post in this thing already :)


night, check out my grow I started with snow white. Do a search on websluef. This is my first journal so I didnt realize the title was not complete


Active Member

day 50 from seed (vegged for 1.5 mnths), ill find a pic of these plants in the veg room. they were triple the size of yours , and i only have a cfl aswell.



Well-Known Member

day 50 from seed (vegged for 1.5 mnths), ill find a pic of these plants in the veg room. they were triple the size of yours , and i only have a cfl aswell.

Ya I am growing in a pc so not a real comparison. I vegged 2 weeks of 18/6 then went to 12/12. I think she looks great considering my space/height constraints. Can you show me some pics of what it looks like for a more normal grow? I am only planning to yield 1/4-1/2 oz at most (hopefully).

Here are pics today btw. Day 28, day 3 of flowering.:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
DAY 29. Day 4 flowering

Quick update. I found about 7 budsites including main cola, maybe another in the thicket in the middle that is just covered in leaves. Next grow will due some more severe lst but for my first go around, I am happy so far so can't complain. gave MJ her first does of TB at 1/2 strength along with grow big and big bloom at 1/2 strength. Appears fine. Seen the same damnt gnat that follows her around lol. Does not seem to be bothering her so not to worried. Here is a few pics with one shot showing hairs. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
30 days old!!!

Still chuggin. Seven maybe 8 sites. Who knows what this will produce. She took to the TB with no burns so next time may add more... pics from tonight....

