First time grower think it's a boy


This is my first time growing and I have 3 plants I've had in veg stage for a month and a half and now have on 12/12 lighting for 3 or 4 days think can't determin what the sex is or if it's to early to tell


second plant both pics

sorry bout pics using my iPhone 3gs please comment and try an help thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
1=female, notice the lil pistil its starting? 2 and 3=male (95% sure 3 is a male, pic is extremely blurry though so its possible its not)


Well-Known Member
from the growaq....
What are preflowers?

Preflowers, as opposed to full blown flowers, generally appear after the fourth week of vegetative growth from seed. Check carefully above the fourth node. Please note that preflowers are very small and and almost impossible to differentiate without magnification. A photographer's 10x loupe is handy indeed when examining preflowers.

As the images below demonstrate, the female preflower is pear shaped and produces a pair of pistils. Frequently, the female preflowers do not show pistils until well after the preflowers have emerged. Thus, don't yank a plant because it has no pistils. Pistillate preflowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Also, some female preflowers never produce pistils. A female preflower without pistils is difficult to distinguish from a male preflower. Thus, hermaphodite issues should not be resolved by the appearance of preflowers, without pistils, on a plant otherwise believed to be a female.

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of MrIto

Female (pistillate)

Image courtesy of Uncle Ben

The male preflower may be described as a "ball on a stick." However, its most recognizable feature is its absence of pistils. Sometimes, a male plant will develop mature staminate flowers after prolonged periods of vegetative growth. These appear in clusters around the nodes.

The following image shows a male plant in early flowering. Staminate flowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Male (staminate)

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Image courtesy of PLAYn



Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd wait till I'm really sure. It wont be able to pollonate for a while. I think it's a male, but I'd want to be positive before I killed my baby.


Well-Known Member
I agree the last two are males, if you have expensive nutes I would not waste them keeping makes alive. If it doesn't hurt the pocket book then keep them alive for practice. Kill before any pollen sacks open and get it away from your one female or you will be sifting through beans after you harvest.

Use the males for experimentation. After all it doesn't matter if they die, right.



Thanks for the help got a lil update killed the male and when I pulled him out Of the pot an noticed how bunched up the roots where so I put one of my plants into a 10" pot and added a fluro "grow" tube light walmart started budding wensday budding 5 nights so far

Plan on getting fox farms tiger bloomwould this make a big differance and I plan on updating this on an every 2-4 days stay tuned lol and any input or advice and comments please let me know what you think


Well-Known Member
More CFLs, they are better for your plant. Flouro tubes are ok but they are not intense enough. I would say 3 CFLs for each plant (2 warm white bulb, 1 daylight bulb). Place them around the plant as close as you can to them without touching. Your plants will explode with new growth.



Thanks Ima have to wAit till Thursday an I'll update pics do you think they loook ok for 5 days in flowering stage I feel there growing slow and would tiger bloom or somethinlike it really increase my yeild


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ima have to wAit till Thursday an I'll update pics do you think they loook ok for 5 days in flowering stage I feel there growing slow and would tiger bloom or somethinlike it really increase my yeild
They seem a bit stretched, what are you feeding them now and at what pH? What kind of water are you using? They seem to have a nute burn or deficiency. Do not spend money on flowering nutes until you get your lights sorted. The plant needs light to eat and if it does not have enough light it will not eat anything you give it. Think of the plant as a pump, to work it uses light at the leaves and CO2 to draw O2 and nutrients from the roots.

You won't see anything good for another few weeks so time to turn on the patience. Get as many CFLs as possible, the more the bigger the harvest. Light that tree up like it is Christmas.



Update 18 days budding same shit light set up upgrading that Thursday "payday"
my first girl lost a Lot of lower leaves from usin miracle grow never again

other lil girl



Does the bud growth seem slow? And would ff bloom nutes really increase yeild I am getting new 6 42 watt cfl light fixture sorry bout the messed up post usin my iPhone


Well-Known Member
for 3 weeks its kinda behind but it will speed up w/the new lights added most likely, as for nutes, im gonna say as long as you have a good flower nute it doesnt really matter what brand it is. blackstrap molasses is something else you should use.


for 3 weeks its kinda behind but it will speed up w/the new lights added most likely, as for nutes, im gonna say as long as you have a good flower nute it doesnt really matter what brand it is. blackstrap molasses is something else you should use.
molasses? like sap or syrup? I keep seeing this on alot of peoples journal what does it do for the plant


Well-Known Member
molasses? like sap or syrup? I keep seeing this on alot of peoples journal what does it do for the plant
It is a gimick, if your growing a chemical hydro grow it will not help and my hinder your plants.

Two rules about growing with unknown ferts:
1. Do not use it unless you know what it does exactly.

2. Do not take advice from people who's best answer is "I don't know exactly", "I do it because so-and-so said so" or anything similar.

Molasses will not help your grow unless you have organic medium and organic nutes and the microbes in the soil are hungry. There are PLENTY of true sweeteners for bud development and will actually give you a result unlike molasses, and do not depend on microbes in organic grows.

Most of the people who use molasses and claim great results never compare it to a grow without. I have never seen any reason to use it over a real sweetener.



What up RIU it's BLOWINL's here wit day 22 into fleeting got a new light set up and grox box using 2 10 rubbermaid tubs and attached 8 cfl's To the inside of one of the tubs

6x26 watt cfl's and 1x23 watt and 1x13 watt that's 195 watts all soft white I'm not sure how many lumens that is hopefully some one out there can help me with that. But now on to my 2 bag seed babies

I know bud growth looks slow but hopefully with the new lights it will start to fill in nicely all comments an critisism welcome and I plan on heading to the local hydro shop tomorrow an getting some ff bloom
thanks in advance