I have only experienced 2C-I, but I can say without a doubt it is a suitable substitute for a trip. I havn't found a reliable LSD source in years and pretty much have come to terms with the fact that I may never do it again. I was getting 2C-I on a nice frequent basis, but the kid started cutting it with what I think was some form of aspirin or something else. Had to had almost 30mg just to get small trails. The first time I had it was maybe like a 10-15mg dose and was lit up for like 12 hours straight. I knew it was good clean shit when I noticed me and my friend were staring at the same piece of wood paneling in his living room for like the first 2 hours. Anyways I was ballsy in thinking I would get some legit PM's right off the bat for sources so I am looking to start becoming a frequent poster here. Not too big into forums as I live a busy lifestyle but now I have a crackberry so I can start to check often. Going to get into growing my own mushrooms if I can't find any 2C sources but I really would rather not. I did find a site through google searching that I would like to PM to someone to see if they know is legit. Let me know if you can verify for me I would appreciate it. BTW for those of you who have not taken 2C-I yet, I highly recommend it.