Time to Harvest / New Growth ?


Active Member
I dont know what has happened but some of my gals are spurting new growth when it should be time to cut. I have included a few pictures so somebody can tell me whats up.
You will see growth sometime with a 2-leaf spurt.
Approx. 65 days flower.



Global Moderator
Staff member
I dont know what has happened but some of my gals are spurting new growth when it should be time to cut. I have included a few pictures so somebody can tell me whats up.
You will see growth sometime with a 2-leaf spurt.
Approx. 65 days flower.
I have had the same experience, I believe my situation was that my bloom fert had a rather high Nitrogen content & they sprouted new bud fingers out of monster colas. Weird stuff & the stems were rock hard, you couldn't cut them with scissors. Evaluate your nutes carefully as I believe thats what happened to me.

