worried my plants r going to die!!!! help asap please


plants r turning yellow
little brown spots in middle of the leaves
tried to upload pics cant figure it out
please help so we can get this fixed qwick


plants r turning yellow
little brown spots in middle of the leaves
tried to upload pics cant figure it out
please help so we can get this fixed qwick
you gotta put a pic up if you want the best advise. just upload your pic into photobucket and copy the HTML and paste it here. thats how i do it..


Well-Known Member
If you cant upload your pics at least give us some info on your set up!
Indoor or outdoor grow?
Growing medium?
using nutes or not?
how often do you water your ladies?
Have you checked your PH level.
Growing lights and temps?

Helps us out a little and we will try to help you :)


ok i got 4 in one 16 inch bucket and 3 more in buckets by them self
all in promix with about one therd of perlight
under a 400 watt MH
there about 14 to 18 inches tall and super bushy
i got the light to close but i caught it just in time (as the leaves were just turning up and the edges were burning)
so i moved it up cut off the leaves that were anymore than half burnt and noticed these little brown spots that were for shur not from burning
so i waited a couple days and there getting worse
so i water them with RO water about 1 every 2 days unless they get super dry then i will toss em like a cup
nutes im useing an all purpose fretilizer about a cup in each every time i water diluted to half the bodle says cause i just started
im not very experienced had a couple grow rooms before but looking to gain more knowlage
oh and there about 6 weeks old i think not to shur tho not very good at rememberin shit very long


That right there is a calcium and magnesium def. buddy. Cure to it is to flush all plants then start using bonticare cal/mag at 2 tblspn per gallon for first week then 1 tbspn per gallon for rest of grow. This occurs alot w/ fox farm soil users because of there new changes in soil ingrediants. You can also nip this problem in the butt by mixing in dolemite lime (1 tbspn per gallon) in your soil mix. cal/mag def occurs when PH is to high and dolemitge lime stabalizes soil PH to a solid 7.0. keep it growing!!


Active Member
its a nute locked out by PH troubles, but the one plant look like a zinc deficiencies , so if you check your soil ph and its good then you know its time for some good nutes. let us know the ph and go from there


if not treated yes they will die...Lol there is noi way you can tell from that pic if he has insect problems..just do as stated and you will be golden! Keep it growing!!


Active Member
if not treated yes they will die...Lol there is noi way you can tell from that pic if he has insect problems..just do as stated and you will be golden! Keep it growing!!
quit telling everyone they are going to die, and his issue is not bugs


Listen I knwo that his problem is not insects and they will die..that is the reprocussion if not treated..If that scares you maybe you should look into a lighter hobby ; stamp collecting, bottle caps?? ect ect. If you knew what you were talking about you would agree w/ me abut what nutrients are locked out instead of saying "some nutrient" lol we are here to help each other..If you don't know the answer then please don't write replys cause it misinforms people..Keep it


were would i get this stuff you speak of
also the little plant in the middle im not worrie about i have no were to grow it
all im worried about is the bigger ones
i could put them in bigger pots and mix in lime would that work
with a flush and that stuff is mix in soil right?


Active Member
Listen I knwo that his problem is not insects and they will die..that is the reprocussion if not treated..If that scares you maybe you should look into a lighter hobby ; stamp collecting, bottle caps?? ect ect. If you knew what you were talking about you would agree w/ me abut what nutrients are locked out instead of saying "some nutrient" lol we are here to help each other..If you don't know the answer then please don't write replys cause it misinforms people..Keep it
yes i agree with you in some things and i am trying to help and what i said for him to do is right, and my hobby looks fine to me



lol "this stuff that you speak of" sounded funny...exactly right. Flush them babies out,put into new containers w/ dolemite lime mixed into new soil at 1 tbspn p/g. you should also use the bonticare cal/mag or any brand cal/mag would do. Your local hydro shop will have it. If no local hydro shops arouund home smepot usually has lime in the garden section just make sure you get the powder. For the cal/mag substitute in this situation you could use epsom salt temporarily from any pharmacy store or wally world. You could always order online for the good stuff tho. Polaris was right about the infected leaves not coming back, they will remain in the shape that there in but all other leaves will be good. Hope this helps dude! Keep it growing!!