The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Lmao my cheese has just had my mate over lol he had a massive whitey and is now fast asleeep on my chair breathing like a great dane having a night mare hehehehe i love it wen this happens lmao


Well-Known Member
i got 82g off one plant and the 74g off one plant, was only two cuttings that time. I have a perpetual grow rolling in my tent and have about 9 plants in my tent at any one time lol
thats the way to do it.. westies got game lol

of the two lots of pics ive put up recenty, the cheese is in the bigger jars 500g coffee jar as the psycho is in the 25g cofffe jars
cool. so ifg people see this bloke walking around uk with a big cheesy grin its you huh? lol

Lmao my cheese has just had my mate over lol he had a massive whitey and is now fast asleeep on my chair breathing like a great dane having a night mare hehehehe i love it wen this happens lmao
Lmao my cheese has just had my mate over lol he had a massive whitey and is now fast asleeep on my chair breathing like a great dane having a night mare hehehehe i love it wen this happens lmao
not so fun wen he dont go home tho cuz hes sparked out lol
hehe its worse when yo and the missus start feeling raunchie believe me lol.

could be worse though he could be on the whites trying to talk to you on the edge of the bed whilst your trying to get some lol.


lmao... your a cruel bugger Westy.
Nope id say hes a good friend. a cruel bugger would be me cruising in pretending im a lightweight and smoking all his stash lmfao


Well-Known Member
Normaly im a modest man but i feel like yelling "in your face!!!" Im as happy as a pig in shit whith pizza. I had a good round at golf today too for a beginer, I had two 59's which i think is good lol better than before lol.

on 9 holes ? or 6 holes :D

i know u didnt shoot 59 on a par 72...

rofl... am i missing soming ;), Jo btw. i am training to be a golf pro.

Hit me up for a round of golf in england, gona be in sleeford next week... going down to essex afterwards to meet up some m8s and party :)

:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: i know your old.... But i can make you feel young :P :P

hahahahahaa nah m8 dunno what the fuck im talking bout, stoned out of my brains.. didnt smoke anything the last 3 days... was moving.... ;)

im single now.

anyways.. love your harvest... 74 g's is a nice yield :D


Well-Known Member
on 9 holes ? or 6 holes :D

:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: i know your old.... But i can make you feel young :P :P

hahahahahaa nah m8 dunno what the fuck im talking bout, stoned out of my brains.. didnt smoke anything the last 3 days... was moving.... ;)

im single now.

why DWR i bet mr west never knew you had these kinda feelings for him im sure hes going to be quite shocked.... honored of course but shocked LMFAO. Dont be surprised passes on that offer though lol.

im not sure how lil ganja princess is gonna feel about this either lmfao

sorry i couldnt help maself

...bad jester :dunce:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahhah westies a heavyweight ! sparkin out contenders! i imagine him jumping about his flat to the rocky music dun dun duh duh du du dan dan du da daaaaaaaa

eyes all blacked n swollen shouting ganjaaaaa princeeeeeess

hahah man i had a bit too much in the pipe this morrning :lol great yield westy i should coco!

mr west

Well-Known Member
hahhah westies a heavyweight ! sparkin out contenders! i imagine him jumping about his flat to the rocky music dun dun duh duh du du dan dan du da daaaaaaaa

eyes all blacked n swollen shouting ganjaaaaa princeeeeeess

hahah man i had a bit too much in the pipe this morrning :lol great yield westy i should coco!

Coco is the way for lazy ass bastads who want results lol.

It was so funny watching this 6foot 7 lerch ass muthafuker turn white and slightly green and then him running off to the loo for 20 mins lol wished id taken a pic lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
"i know your old.... But i can make you feel young :P :P"

Im 36 thank u very much lol and lgp keeps me young, she'll be 21 in feb hahaha.

The golf course is a par 69, ive only had about 5 rounds in my life lol, least im hitting the ball more often than miss it now lol just gotta stop topping it lol. Id be up for some lessons as long as u dunt make me feel anything but the shaft of the club lmao


Well-Known Member
Pics woulda been good Westy :lol:

Yo D' ... just cause your single doesn't give you the right to be a fucking stoned wanker :hump:
Get a grip pro'
haha I know ya stoned! So am I:bigjoint:

Edit: Keep ya head down Westy, you'll get underneath them that way ;)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Keep ya head down' thats al anyone says to me lol. Im still in the very early stages learning all the time


Well-Known Member
why DWR i bet mr west never knew you had these kinda feelings for him im sure hes going to be quite shocked.... honored of course but shocked LMFAO. Dont be surprised passes on that offer though lol.

im not sure how lil ganja princess is gonna feel about this either lmfao

sorry i couldnt help maself

...bad jester :dunce:
^^ ;)

i only want his cheese(weed) ..

pshhhh :fire:


Well-Known Member
"i know your old.... But i can make you feel young :P :P"

Im 36 thank u very much lol and lgp keeps me young, she'll be 21 in feb hahaha.

The golf course is a par 69, ive only had about 5 rounds in my life lol, least im hitting the ball more often than miss it now lol just gotta stop topping it lol. Id be up for some lessons as long as u dunt make me feel anything but the shaft of the club lmao
36... nope that aint old.... thats old goat style..



congrats on the younger girl... i understand you, you see... lol... i cant blv im gona say this dont take offence.. but it seems that younger girls shut the fuck up with the older guys... enough said.. i bet you have a gud relationship mine sucked all till now... prob cuz i had same age... might go for a younger one this time... she will have respect enough..

ya hear me.. lol.

lol.. man..... just talking ya know.


Sure can teach you.... ;) you'll have a great swing in no time.. and topping the ball.. is you pulling your arm up before you hit the ball.. its called chicken wing... :)

anyways... i think you have that.. when you hit the ball your left arm should be straight ( logic is for right hand players ) .... a little lesson now..

You might feel awkward at the beginning feeling like that you have no chance of hitting the ball with a straightnd left arm. But after 200 shots you should be not thinking about it anymore realy...

also the grip is very important your thumb & indexfinger should form upside down V ( right hand over the left )... Also this grip might feel awkward.. cuz it feels like your swolloing the shaft in your hand.. its not the case, this lets your right hand turn allot faster and preciser and the down swing.



What the fuck am i on about. :bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol yeah i need to hold the club tighter too i got a bruise on the inside of my third finger of my left had from the shock of hitting the ball through the index finger of my left hand. lol


Well-Known Member
^^ ;)

i only want his cheese(weed) ..

pshhhh :fire:
yeah yeah. thats what they all say lmfao.

j.jk'n man bad jester... bad. bad. jester :wall:

lol i'm only good in two holes....or the 19th but not the second after the first .............

now your talkin dirty bro lol.. gee wizz westy this thread is almost getting cheesy enough for another pic bump i think lol.

to welshy

cool new friend bro :)