Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Big P

Well-Known Member
oh my bad man, i thought you were saying that guy should have popped a cap in her :bigjoint: my bad

i think that lady may have been drunk?


New Member
I took in a big stray pit bull that was flea and tick bitten... tons of ticks.... half starved. I had three other dogs at the time.... three weeks fixed that dog up, and one night I came home and there was blood everywhere and when i got to the door....my Chessie was laying there with tendons ripped open in her legs and huge cuts in her neck.

I took her inside, and I realized that pit attacker her the whole way as my Chessie tried to get to the back door.... in vain.

I made sure she was comfortable, called the emergency vet, taped and bandaged her for about an hour, till she was stable. I looked at my wife....didn't say a word.

Went outside and popped that Pit three times with a 45.

When you pick up the gun..... conversation is over.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i found a stray brindle pit bull pup took it home, it was too aggressive toward my dogs, it found its way to the pounds that same day

Big P

Well-Known Member
I took in a big stray pit bull that was flea and tick bitten... tons of ticks.... half starved. I had three other dogs at the time.... three weeks fixed that dog up, and one night I came home and there was blood everywhere and when i got to the door....my Chessie was laying there with tendons ripped open in her legs and huge cuts in her neck.

I took her inside, and I realized that pit attacker her the whole way as my Chessie tried to get to the back door.... in vain.

I made sure she was comfortable, called the emergency vet, taped and bandaged her for about an hour, till she was stable. I looked at my wife....didn't say a word.

Went outside and popped that Pit three times with a 45.

When you pick up the gun..... conversation is over.

Did the pit make it?


did the chessie make it?

This is the dog I got hes a bullmastiff really good with kids. this pic is of his father tho I dont have actual pic of mine but they look alike.


The Bullmastiff is a devoted, alert guard dog, with a good-natured temperament. Docile unless provoked, he is fearless and protective, yet affectionate. Although unlikely to attack, it will catch an intruder, knock him down and hold him. At the same time, it is tolerant of children. Intelligent, even-tempered, calm and loyal. These dogs crave human leadership. The Bullmastiff is extremely powerful and needs a firm master, who is confident and consistent with the rules set upon the dog. They should be thoroughly obedience trained for safety, and should be taught not to pull on the leash. The dog must heel beside or behind the human. This is most important as not only do dogs have migration instincts and need to walk daily, but instinct tells a dog the pack leader goes first. Be sure to socialize extensively with both people and other dogs at an early age. They may be okay with other pets if raised with them from puppyhood. The Bullmastiff is a more dominant breed than the Mastiff. He tends to drool, slobber and snore. Puppies may seem uncoordinated. These dogs are very sensitive to the tone of your voice and need someone to speak with an air of assertiveness, but not harshly. It is not a difficult dog but does require a handler who can assert his authority. The Bullmastiff should never be banished to a kennel. Meek or passive owners will find it hard to control this dog. It will appear willful, possibly aggressive with other dogs and reserved with strangers if owners do not take the time to socialize, and know how to properly communicate what is expected in a meaningful manner.

Height, Weight

Height: Dogs 25-27 inches (63-69cm) Bitches 24-26 inches (61-66cm)
Weight: Dogs 110-133 pounds (50-60kg) Bitches 100-120 pounds (45-54kg)


The Bullmastiff was obtained by crossing 60% Mastiffs with 40% Bulldogs in the country of England. Mastiff Bulldog types can be found in records as early back as 1795. In 1924 Bullmastiffs began to be judged. Three generations of breeding of Bullmastiffs was required for Bullmastiffs to be registered as purebreds. The Bullmastiff was used as a gamekeeper's dog to track down, tackle and hold poachers. The dogs were fierce and threatening, but were trained not to bite the intruders. When the need for gamekeeper's dogs decreased, the dark brindle dogs so good for night camouflage gave way in popularity to the lighter fawn coloration. It has been prized as a hunting guard, as an aid in army and police work, and is used as a watchdog by the Diamond Society of South Africa. Today's Bullmastiff is a reliable family companion and guardian. It enjoys living with the family, with whom it comforts itself well.


Well-Known Member
I don't know... I've met a few girls here in OH that would do a keg stand at their reception. I think it's more of a redneck thing.:lol:


New Member
This is hilarious.... CNN and Wolf Blitzer fact check the FAKE NEWS!!

Real news... fact checking fake news!!! :lol: I've seen everything now!!!



Well-Known Member
Every Kramer entrance

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lol i watched the whole thing