went from soil to hydro.. very happy with results.. pics


the heaviest amount of growth took place after about week 3.. from germination.. so it was after about 2 weeks in the system they started pushing the 1 to 2 inches daily...

the system i use is an ebb and gro system.. its an ebb and flow style hydroponic system.. watering is fully automated.. the only thing i do is change out the reservoir weekly and make sure ph is in range.. the system is set up on timers to flood every 6 hours for 15 minutes...

if you would like to see some more recent results feel free to check my journal.. i am adding new flower pics today (6.5 weeks in)... links below in my sig.. check the last couple pages..
Thanks SS for the reply. Those pictures are beautiful. How much are you expecting to yield per plant? How tall were they when you put them into flowering stage? How many watts of light are you using?
I like the ebb and flow system but I don't have money for that so I made my own system. I simply use a pump to circulate water from the reservoir back in through the top of the plant. I do this for 15 minutes 5 times a day. I'm definitely not an expert and looking to learn... please tell me why you prefer your system over one like mine? Is there any clear benefit to submerging the plant completely rather than just watering it???


Elite Rolling Society
Very Impressive Grow. Looks very healthy like you did everything right!

Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.


Well-Known Member
got my girls flowering to REmember im the 1 who first posted on ya thread with the switch too!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks SS for the reply. Those pictures are beautiful. How much are you expecting to yield per plant? How tall were they when you put them into flowering stage? How many watts of light are you using?
I like the ebb and flow system but I don't have money for that so I made my own system. I simply use a pump to circulate water from the reservoir back in through the top of the plant. I do this for 15 minutes 5 times a day. I'm definitely not an expert and looking to learn... please tell me why you prefer your system over one like mine? Is there any clear benefit to submerging the plant completely rather than just watering it???
i am hoping for 4 ounces a plant... or average 4 ounces.. some will have more.. some less...

they were about 1 1/2 feet tall when i started flowering.. maybe a little taller...

i have 2500 watts of light i am using... 800w's hps and 1700w's from my HO floros... something like 300,000 lumens total..

the reason i like my system is its VERY customizable... thats it.. everything came with it.. and the 2 bucket design works great.. it allows me to move my plants around as i need without having to change the layout of the sites themselves.. if you can DIY it, go for it!! im just not that crafty... but it sounds like you are on a good track bro!

i do like submerging the roots tho, because i think it allows for more water and nute uptake.. i could be wrong tho.. its probably about the same..

Very Impressive Grow. Looks very healthy like you did everything right!

Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.
thank you sir.. if you get time you should check out my journal.. flip through the last few pages to see where im at know.. bongsmilie

got my girls flowering to REmember im the 1 who first posted on ya thread with the switch too!!!
congrats bro!! im glad to hear.. please post some pics or a link to some pics.. i'd love to see how things are going!!


Well-Known Member
sure check em out 2.5 weeks into flowering black jack ,green crack ,juicy fruit.here bud PORN hope ya like em are they good for that age?????first hydroponic gro....what you think????????