realisticly what can they do?


Well-Known Member
ok so my medical card just expired and time are hard and i havnt got another one yet. i have two small plants in my yard and mabie 2grams in my room. i have new neighbors that always have their back door open for their dogs. if they smelt me smoking and called tha police realisticly if they came what is tha worst they could do? i mean its more accepted smoking marijuana now rite? espeshally in so cali? advice?comments? anyone please it wud help:cuss:


Well-Known Member
My advice to you is to renew your medical card, because without it unfortunately the growth & smoking part is punishable by law, and it depends but you could get in some trouble.
I'm in Canada, so I can't say how your govt would react.


Well-Known Member
k thanks any california people got advice????
What's up man i'm 40mins north from LA.
I would highly suggest you get your renewal because you're growing and growing here in cali is a crime unless you have a doctors reccomendation it's punishable up to 2 years in jail so fuck the plants it's not worth it, get your shit straight then grow that way if something were to happenen with police you will be legit. any way hope it work out for you.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
BTW if they cought you just smoking I doubt they will do anything, but if they saw your plant then it's over.
get your renewal


Active Member
im in cali with my card. na if u have any problems just tell them your in the process of renewing, and times are hard like you said. its only like $100 to renew, anyways.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about you smoking pot in your house bro.

I grew without a card now I have one.

Unless your neighbors are complete douche bags they arn't going to care about you smoking some weed.

It is california.

I used to walk down the street pipe in hand toking without a card. Cops would pass me by without a care in the world.


Well-Known Member
k ya im gettin rid of them it aint worth it till i get my renewal. so smoking outside in my own back yard should be fine rite?


Well-Known Member
k i did more plants.... :( i would have much rather planted them in the wild tho than killing them R.I.P. but its ok soon ther will be more....many more....


Well-Known Member
Don't worry man you did the right thing, it's better than risking jail and you can't smoke bud in jail.
Get your Renewal and keep on growing with no worries. stay safe


Hey fuck your neighbors! im in the midwest and pay my taxes and toke up on my back deck and front porch, unless a patrol rolls by. just be cool when your burnin and dont look like your doin something wrong.


Well-Known Member
smoking isnt a prob in ure property.,.,growing is.,.,renew ure licence im in socal 818.,.,pm me i can give u a place to renew ure licence for $45.,.,legit.,.,u need a recomendation to grow safely.,.