Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah its been almost half a year since ive been trying to gain Acceptance..And then you just come over like its nothing and get a membership haha. Be easy. =D


Well-Known Member
just kidding. i was gonna dose tonight, but were going to sombodys house i dont know so im gonna hold off. hopefully i can find some good rolls.:hump:
just kidding. i was gonna dose tonight, but were going to sombodys house i dont know so im gonna hold off. hopefully i can find some good rolls.:hump:
Yeah I never really trust taking anything serious in an unfamiliar environment. The one time you try to do so it always ends up being a strong dose and your completely out of control. Me and my buddies have our chill zone where we always hang when were doing anything which prevents any situations. ...except when his dog got out the one time and we were running around the streets at like 2 am facing yelling his name. :wall:


Well-Known Member
...except when his dog got out the one time and we were running around the streets at like 2 am facing yelling his name. :wall:
oh man have i been in that exact same stuation, except it was 6am and snowing to boot! got my car stuck in somebodys front yard and they bring me a salt shaker.....A SALT SHAKER!!