my 3 plants

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
hi,im growin 3 plants all fem seeds from greenhouse.the big plant on right is the rhino,started that couple weeks b4 the other 2.the small plant is the cheese growin a bit slow tho,has any1 had problems with the cheese is it a stable strain coz had a couple of wierd looking leaves.also something been eating the leaves,cant see any bugs bugs come out at nite and eat plants?and on top of the rhinos soil ive noticed little tiny white spider things which are startin 2 worry me



Active Member
plz help has any1 had same problem of bugs eating leaves at nite?
I had a caterpillar that was chewing on one of my plants at night early on in veg stage. During the day, it would hide on the stalk of the plant, and come out at some time during the night to eat. Finally caught the damn thing still chomping when the lights came on one morning...squish :twisted:

As far as whether or not you should start flowering...*I* personally wouldn't, BUT it all depends on how much space (especially vertically - b/c most plants increase height significantly during flower) you have, and how much bud you are expecting from each plant. Each person's needs/want differ when it comes to crops.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
you can flower them from seeds but you will plants the size of a tooth pick.

veg until they reach 1\3 of your vertical height or they fill the room horizonticly.


Active Member
thanks maybe ur rite.think they grow 2 3 times higher durin flower.can u flower from seed tho?
You can, but I think you would be happier flowering clones that have already taken root rather than from seed. What you would get going 12/12 from seed would hardly be worth the effort IMO.


Well-Known Member
if its only eating at night it should be easy to catch.
u better re-read.....

as for the munching it could be a mouse? they usually only come out at night... i don't know where ur growin but i'm in a shop so i could easy have mice but don't as of now.

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
the bugs have gone.has any1 grown these strains from greenhouse seeds?heard the rhino a big yeilder and the trainwreck really does u in