Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
Dispute Between Neighbors -

A city councilman in Utah , Mark Easton, had a beautiful view of the east mountains, until a new neighbor purchased the lot below his house and built a new home.

The new home was 18 inches higher than the ordinances would allow, so Mark Easton, mad about his lost view, went to the city to make sure they enforced the lower roof line ordinance.
The new neighbor had to drop the roof line, at great expense.

Recently, Mark Easton called the city, and informed them that his new neighbor had installed some vents on the side of his home...

Mark didn't like the look of these vents and asked the city to investigate.

When they went to Mark's home to see what the vents looked like, this is what they found...




Well-Known Member

Stare intently at the black dot in the centre of this image and watch the grey shadow disappear...
This is a static image. It was your own eyes that did that!​

OK, this time you need to cover your right eye and stare at the black circle. The move closer to the screen and see the cross disapear. Move back again and the cross will reappear...​

Stare at this image long enough and you'll start to see it move before your very eyes...
Starting to feel a little sick yet?​

Just in case you aren't feeling ill enough already, check this one out. To enhance the effect scroll up and down...