First grow. 5 weeks of flower pics


Growing white widow, this is my first plant and my first girl. she has been in flower for 5 weeks.... i feel as if she isn't going to produce very much by the way she looks.. but like i said im new so what you guys think?

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
hey there, i too am on my first grow and are growing nirvana's white widow strain and am currently in my 5th week of flowering. Your plants seem a lot taller than mine and maybe a little more stretched, how long did u veg for and wat lights are u using? Fluro's? they look like blue light fluro's they should be red light fluro or like me change to HPS for flowering to help with the plant requirements during this stage and wat light/dark cycle u on atm? I assume they are on 12/12?

Feel free to take a look at my journal for a comparrison at the same week flowering :) mine arent perfect by any means as im still learning myself, but i think the buds are developed a bit more , i dunno see wat ya think :)

good luck on ya grow hun :D

Agent xxx


2 different cfl's i meant just i had a white ( blue spectrum for vegging) envirolite that looked just like those you have, wondered if you had swapped em for flowering stage as i thought the flowering spectrum ones had an orange band around the lite to depict they were for flowering, perhaps i confused myself lol

like this>
i see what your getting at there but no they are the 2700ks because i also at the same time bought 2 6000k bulbs

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
ah kk thats cool then, it will be interesting to see where we both end up with our first grows, keep in touch. link me to a journal, if u make one and ill be happy to pop along to see how your doing. It's nice to see someone growing the same strain as me at exactly the same point in their grow too :)


Sorry buddy, but if I am not mistaken there is no possible way that is white widow... Where did you get your seeds because true White Widow is a dominant Indica meaning short and fat leaves. Anyway descent first grow keep at it buddy and order from only trusted seed banks! You don't want to waste you're time growing bad seeds.