Learn with me: The blind leading the blind


whats the dimensions on it.
Its 27 inches long on the right side from the opening and the closet is 21 inches deep.

Unfortunately there was a slight miscommunication with UPS and my light has been delayed. Its looking like it will be Saturday morning before I can get everything assembled. I have plans tommorow after work, so it will have to wait.

My four sprouts are doing well and continue to grow.

The temperatures under the lights in the closet are averaging around 76 degrees. The average humdity is around 50%. The two CFL's do not produce much heat at all.



The Light has arrived and I have been working all morning to get everything situated.

This light is a lot heavier than I had anticipated but I believe I have the weight distributed evenly enough. I also installed an extra brace under the closet shelf to make sure it could hold the weight.

I dont have time to put the mylar up today, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Thats a thread I'd love to take place in :D
I'm with tom - rotate your lights 90deg.

What are you using for venting? that fixture seem to me like a huge heat trap.

As for watering - I usualy cut a few small holes on the bottom of my cups to let water drain. you can heat a niddle and dig a few holes on each cup and help yourself not to overwater.

As for planting 2 plants in one pot - BAD IDEA. if one turns bad (male\hermi) you won't be able to take it off alone. plus, at a certain stage the plants will fight for space - which is never good.
if 2 plants pop in the same cup just pick one out and transplant it.

you seem to be spending a lot of time in your room so to help preventing overwatering I recommand adding some more perlite. the more perlite you have the better the drainage and the more frequent need of watering.
when transplanting to "normal" pots you could use less perlite as you should get the hang of things.

As for how many plants to use, first take into consideration that statisticly you will get less than 50% females. (as there are hermies too)
After the males and hermies got rid off you could fit how many plants you want.
small emount of plants will requier more veg time and topping is recomanded.
if a large emount of plants will be used you will need to work more while watering, cut on veg time and get more small plants.
my rule of thumb is to put the plants to flowering (12\12) light cicle when they fill the room horizonticaly.

oh, and about the lights your using - you could still use the CFL with no problems at all and save energy.
or use the HPS about 3-4 feet away from the seedlings. they don't need that much light. all that light just increase heat.


I'm with tom - rotate your lights 90deg.

What are you using for venting? that fixture seem to me like a huge heat trap.

As for watering - I usualy cut a few small holes on the bottom of my cups to let water drain. you can heat a niddle and dig a few holes on each cup and help yourself not to overwater.

the light is too long to rotate 90 unfortunately. Do you think I should rotate it 180 degrees?

No venting so far. Temps have been around 84 degrees. Humidity has been dropping though so I put my humidifier in the closet earlier.

I put holes in my cups and a little extra perlite too. I usually water every two to three days depending on how dry the soil feels.

Thanks for the tips Claptoman...

...You too Tom.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
venting is one of the most important things. never underestimate the power of air circulation.
if a plant moves a bit it lest air around the leaves change so it could get more CO2 and the movement itself promotes thickening of stems. it IS important.

moreover, a proper air changing vent (exhaust vent) lets the air in the room change as well and helps with heating issues.

if your lights can't be moved it's not that crucial.


A few of the leaves had taken on a slight discoloration when I arrived home today.

Just as a guess, I would say it is because a lack of water or humidity. At least thats what I hope it is. My humidity levels drop to the 30's if I do not leave my humidifier on.

I also have two more sprouts. Now I only have one empty cup. It took these two seeds seven days to sprout. My average time from dirt to spurt is about 5 days.



Well-Known Member
Have you been misting the plants? That second pic looks like burns from a water droplet sitting on top of the leaf and the light magnifying onto one spot

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Thats looking like normal stress. At this stage the plant isn't much esteblished and can't tollerate much. However, when they esteblish a few nodes and some root mass they stand tall and are very hardy.

Don't worry about miscoloration at this stage as you are using pre-fertilized soil. you have a 2-3 weeks to go with no need to add more fertilizers.
Just use 6.7PH water and only water when the top gets crusty. Thats all you need to do at this stage as goes for feeding. (remember to use water that spent the night lead-less to let chlorine evaporate)

the leaf twisting I'd say comes from over-heating. Probably the lack of ventilation made the radiant heat caused by the lights build up.
The spots on the leaves seems like sunburns caused by misting like mentioned above. (thats why you shouldn't mist, only use a dome)


Have you been misting the plants? That second pic looks like burns from a water droplet sitting on top of the leaf and the light magnifying onto one spot
Hmm...Yeah, i think you are right about this one. I didnt mist the leaves, but I do not usually pay attention to droplets on the leaves.

I will from now on though....

thanks tom.


Thats looking like normal stress. At this stage the plant isn't much esteblished and can't tollerate much. However, when they esteblish a few nodes and some root mass they stand tall and are very hardy.

Don't worry about miscoloration at this stage as you are using pre-fertilized soil. you have a 2-3 weeks to go with no need to add more fertilizers.
Just use 6.7PH water and only water when the top gets crusty. Thats all you need to do at this stage as goes for feeding. (remember to use water that spent the night lead-less to let chlorine evaporate)

the leaf twisting I'd say comes from over-heating. Probably the lack of ventilation made the radiant heat caused by the lights build up.
The spots on the leaves seems like sunburns caused by misting like mentioned above. (thats why you shouldn't mist, only use a dome)
Thanks Claptoman....Im glad you and tom found my thread, I really appreciate both of your inputs.


All of the following pics are of the same plant. It is bag seed, and it sprouted on 10/12/09 which would put it at 9 days old. It spent the first 5 days of its life under 2 100w equivalent CFL bulbs.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
It is looking good. VERY slight overwatering probably due to be pictured after watering.

As for the droplets on the leaves, here is another benifit of having proper ventilation - if there was proper ventilation the droplets would have evaporated and caused no harm.


It is looking good. VERY slight overwatering probably due to be pictured after watering.

As for the droplets on the leaves, here is another benifit of having proper ventilation - if there was proper ventilation the droplets would have evaporated and caused no harm.
I have a fan going on them now and I usually only water during the lights off period. I checked them last night before turning the light back on and the fan had dried all of the droplets.

I am going to have a problem with ventilating this space. It is an apartment, first and foremost so I cant do too many alterations. Second, the location of my closet is on the second story on the opposite side of the room as the only window. Third, I am afraid to vent up into the empty space above my closet, for fear that the scent would haplessly drift into the other apartments. Fourth I cant just leave my closet open, because I have a cat (and right now my bedroom door will not close to keep the cat out).

My plan as of now is to fix my bedroom door and when necessary open the window and use a fan to pull and blow the air out of the window. Hopefully this would avoid smelling up my whole apartment.

I am fortunate that I decided to wait until colder weather, because my current setup will not work in the warmer temps, but I think I will be able to manage until then. I'll just keep brainstorming.