just saw paranormal activity, way creepy.


Active Member
in my opinion it was as good as i hoped. It creeped my girlfriend and i the fuck out, even till we went to sleep. I have heard two sides and just wanted to hear some of your thoughts. I reccomend it highly


It's creepy but I was kinda disappointed.. I was expecting more from it due to all the hype, but it doesn't get really scary 'til towards the very end of the movie. I'd give it a 7 out of 10.


Active Member
Scared the Fuck outta me..
its not Bloody or scary music scary..
Its a Creepy Haunted, Realish type of scary.. Hope That made scene haha =D..


Well-Known Member
Doesn't exist, myth to scare children, you're imagining things, think logically, it's just your mind, your mind, in your mind. You're tripping yourselves out. THE SUPERNATURAL DOES NOT EXIST! for two reasons, one because spirits and ghosts, curses and demons named John <- if you don't get it, shut up. Do not exist.

Secondly, everything you're witnessing is purely within nature, it's not super charged nature, nature that's excited, on cocain, fucking speed, it's just normal nature.
No more, no less. Why do people over exaggerate! It's all a ruse in your mind, just punch yourself in the face, get a beer, watch some comedy and go to bed. Fuck, smoke a bowl while you're at it, that shits funny when you're high. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
Is this movie like the grudge or the ring?if so I bet it fukin sucks but im gonna try and find a site to watch.


Active Member
Is this movie like the grudge or the ring?if so I bet it fukin sucks but im gonna try and find a site to watch.
no it is not. I thrive on the scary movies and i base the level of scaryness like this.. if i watch and when i get home i'm afraid to walk to the bathroom without the lights being on, then its fucking awesome. My girl and i were way freaked to the point where we didn't even want to try and turn the lights on. Its a movie remember! and it's made to entertain us so watch with a similar mindset. Good good flick. Scared to watch it alone on my laptop.


Active Member
Damn ok so i saw it on october 3rd when it was at selected cites well it came here to ATX saw it and i saw a different ending then the one in the link i posted. The ending i saw in the movies she kills her bf then comes upstairs and throws him at the camera just like the trailer then attacts the camera, at the end it says his body was discovered 5 days later and hers was never found lol well if yall saw the ending in the link i posted yall saw the ending lol bongsmilie


Active Member
no it is not. I thrive on the scary movies and i base the level of scaryness like this.. if i watch and when i get home i'm afraid to walk to the bathroom without the lights being on, then its fucking awesome. My girl and i were way freaked to the point where we didn't even want to try and turn the lights on. Its a movie remember! and it's made to entertain us so watch with a similar mindset. Good good flick. Scared to watch it alone on my laptop.
YEAHHH i fill ya bro!!! i was also a lil afraid
lol bongsmilie


dude the budget was 1500 bucks how good can it really be hahaha
Yeah, I know.. But everyone and their mama kept raving about this movie so I guess I was expecting more from it. It was ok.. it had its parts. But I wouldn't watch it again.


Well-Known Member
damnnn im kinda scared to let my dog back in the house. envoles going downstairs and not being able to turn the light on till the last step. My cousins house is over 110 years old. Its super creepy you hear those knocks and creeks in the walls. .


Well-Known Member
My woman is a real paranormal buff, and she didn't like it at all. I've also heard several other people say they didn't like it.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the movie.
For such a low budget, the movie really works.
I felt the film ended a bit abruptly, but is definitely worth a watch for any fan of the genre.