should i freakout?


Well-Known Member
so today after watering , i noticed these little larva in the water and soil . After doing my research i fount out there a type of gnat that eats junk in the soil.

Shes is 9 weeks into flower, i planned on putting her in dark in 3 days for 3days then choping,

my question is do i chop now or do i just do as planned an not worry about them?

also posted this in my journal...

thx slagg


Well-Known Member
there more annoying than anything else......
ive wondered if they have a benefit, like worm castings?
but after reading your journal i wouldnt panic, if your so close to harvest just rock with it man...
happy smoke


Well-Known Member
no, you only flush once with three times the amount of water to the amount of soil.
After you flush once wait for at least ten days watering if needed with plain water until you get 20% runoff.
Don't worry about the fungus gnats at this point they are not an issue. You can put up some sticky fly traps.


Well-Known Member
i had the little bastards plague my last grow... never harmed the plants at all, and they first popped up about 2 weeks into veg..

i used to get ripped and suck em up with this little vacuum i got. makes for great fun :lol:

just keep the vac as FAR away from the ladies as you can... lol.. just trust me on that one. seriously :lol:


Well-Known Member
i had the little bastards plague my last grow... never harmed the plants at all, and they first popped up about 2 weeks into veg..

i used to get ripped and suck em up with this little vacuum i got. makes for great fun :lol:

just keep the vac as FAR away from the ladies as you can... lol.. just trust me on that one. seriously :lol:

LOL yeah keep the vac AWAY from the ladies! LOL.. sounds like someone sucked in a nug or two!?

As far as the fungus gnats go they are just something that youll have to learn to live with. Try to keep them ata minumum obviously. Sticky fly traps like someone mentioned before, and your vacuum cleaner method are both good ideas. I have an OLD school organic friend who uses ants and lizards to combat fungas gnats. If your real close to harvest i wouldnt freak out.. just ride it out.. i had them for like a month and a half at the end of a harvest.. i put out a million sticky traps and all but eliminated them.. also try letting your soil dry out real good in between waterings.. and one last resort suggest.. use either a thin layer of some diatomous earth or perlite on top of your soil.. the little fuckers like the moisture in the soil so you get the idea..