Several people have referred to supercropping in the last few posts I've read, Brosnan you said that its nothing more than bending lower branches to induce lower growth. Is this all that there is to supercropping?
Pretty much.
All you're trying to do when you supercrop
is train a lower branch to grow out and up.
Most lower branches will grow closer to the main stock therefore receiving little or no light.
When you bend the lower branch you basically squeeze and pinch it...( i use needlenose pliers cuz your hands will get tired. U pinch it enuff to basically damage the cells... this will cause the branch to hang down....but be careful not to snap the branch..a small tear is ok. Pinching will needlenose will allow it to break evenly that u wont ever see a tear.
The plant will start to repair itself shoudl recover in about 3 days...once its repaired u will notice that the branch has grown out vs up while it was repairing. Then it will return to growing up....i do this once a week betwen each node starting at the stock...untill the branch has basically grown so far out that it looks like another plant. It will start to grow higher and faster then ever before.
You will notice big buldges or knuckles on the branch where it repaired itself...looks almost like it grew bicepts. Thats a good sign.
The process will eliminate having to cut off the lower branches and will significantly help you yield more.
Heres a pic of a well supercropped plant. Nice and bushy