Germination question..

Hello, So I'm new to all of this. I've reading alot on this website and been doing alot of research on how to grow some killa bud,lol. I ordered my first seed from One fem top 44 seed it should arrive here in a day or so.

And I wanted to know what is the easiest way to germinate a seed. I've read alot different ways to. But not sure of them. So I wanna hear some other ways before I actually start.

Any advice would be awesome.

smoke on!


Well-Known Member
if you do the paper towel method make sure you have some warmth under it, what i do is moisten the pt, put them between two small saucer plates then set it on top of my satelite box. works everytime
Nahh it wasn't to bad $5 for a seed.
I just received it in the mail today.
So I'm gonna start germinating it today.
I hope it goes well it's my first grow!!


Well-Known Member
if you do the paper towel method make sure you have some warmth under it, what i do is moisten the pt, put them between two small saucer plates then set it on top of my satelite box. works everytime
perfect advice, this is how i do it too