Are we alone?


Active Member
No were not alone.

As said, there are billions of other galaxies and solar systems out there and even more billions of planets, out of those planets I would guess at least thousands or millions have life that live on them. Out of those ones that do have life there has to be at least a few hundred or thousand that support intelligent life near or above our intelligence as humans.

Also, as said again, we live in the 3rd dimension and everything we know and experience is in the 3rd dimension, there are actually 12 dimensions and each one up has a MUCH higher complexity than the previous ones. The dimensions above 5 are almost impossible to describe or understand for us humans. I believe they said we do exist in some level at all dimensions but we cant see anything above 4 at the most. So its possible that other entities exist and live at these higher dimensions. Its said that in intense drug experiences, some dreams, and near death experiences we can see the 4th dimension or above which would explain some DMT trips. Also I believe when we leave of physical body, as souls we can experience these higher dimensions.

These entities that exist in other places in space, and the dimensions, they may evolve and be much different than us. I mean, even on our planet there are things that are much different than us look at the creatures in pitch black at the bottom of the sea or even birds for that matter. Just imagine how different things on other planets and dimensions could be from us.

That sounds very interesting, regarding the 12 demnsions. I heard it referred to on a different thread also. Any good reference material for a novice?


I recently took a astronomy class in college and the odds of other life out there is 100%. As for intellgent life the odds are smaller but not impossible. Every star that has formed in the universe has orbiting planets, all of them. It starts out with big gas clouds of space and when the cloud starts to collapse or get smaller, the cloud flattens out and gains speed and density. Now for rock and metals to become solid they can tolerate heat better then gas. That's why all of the outer planets in a solar system are jovious planets. Out of the terrestrial planets (earth, mars, venus) there's a habital zone for life but is different for every star due to luminosity and surface temperature. Earth is actually barely on the habital zone for life or water to form.

Point being of all that bullshit there's a high probability of a planet from another star that lies within the habital zone. It's fucking dumb to think we're the only planet that has life.

We Love 1

New Member
We are the aliens that terraform bare rock planets into life supporting planets. We can do it now. We could turn the moon into a life supporting planet in a matter of decades.

We came to earth on space ships and then We made the pyramids with Our flying saucers. I also believe that the Great Lakes were made by Us aliens too. We came to this solar system many centuries ago, and started it. Someone had to do it, and I believe it was Us aliens.

I bet there are thousands, if not millions, billions, or trillions of planets that have people just like Us at different stages of advancement working on their planets. I believe some solar systems have multiple life supporting planets, where the "aliens"/Us go planet hoping all the time.

Us human aliens can pretty much do anything We want.

Jesus loves you!



Active Member
We are the aliens that terraform bare rock planets into life supporting planets. We can do it now. We could turn the moon into a life supporting planet in a matter of decades.

We came to earth on space ships and then We made the pyramids with Our flying saucers. I also believe that the Great Lakes were made by Us aliens too. We came to this solar system many centuries ago, and started it. Someone had to do it, and I believe it was Us aliens.

I bet there are thousands, if not millions, billions, or trillions of planets that have people just like Us at different stages of advancement working on their planets. I believe some solar systems have multiple life supporting planets, where the "aliens"/Us go planet hoping all the time.

Us human aliens can pretty much do anything We want.

You don't really sound convinced.


Of course there is life out there. No doubt in my mind. In our solar system, maybe. Possibly. I'd say there is a decent chance of finding some form of life on the moon systems of Jupiter or Saturn. Other than that, life on Mars, maybe at one point in time, but not anymore. I think the implications of knowing life exists outside Earth would be more important than discovering what that life actually was. That would be the greatest discovery in all of human history!

The universe is so big at our current technology to say that even if life did exist outside our solar system, would it really matter, other than what it would mean to science? Unless they can get here, it doesn't, because we sure as hell won't be able to reach them in any realistic amount of time... (not to mention the farther away we look, like other galaxies, the farther back in time it is, we view a system that is 70 lightyears away as it was 70 years ago... keep going, Andromeda is 600 thousand light years away... we view that galaxy as it was 600,000 years ago... So the time it would take to get to these places coupled with the time it took the light from the object we're observing to get to Earth... somebody needs to come up with teleporting if you ever plan on taking a little vacation...)