
alright i have an important question
my brother is in a school for "drug abusers" and gets randomly piss tested at the risk of every days only 16 and they already sent him to rehab 1 time for morphine and pot

if he smokes a bowl today which i think he did if he drank water by the gallon all day today would he pass a test tommarrow?

iv heard that you can only do this with cranberry juice and with water BEFORE the test

and i got sent to the same school as him its court orderd and i just turned 18 eny help would be nice so i can smoke a bowl :D


Well-Known Member
one bowl,... when it comes to tomorrow, this is unlikely.. tell him to drink 2 gals 3 hours before and make sure he is pissing pure water by the time he takes the test. ..
the half life of marijuana is 10 days... he is gonna have to mask it


Well-Known Member
my brother was on parole and my dad was on probation at the same time. these clowns would drink a gallon of water about an a hour and a half before they pissed. after that they would piss a couple of times BEFORE going to the POs . this worked for them every month for more than a year .my cousin tried and threw up before finishing his gallon . so chances are this method isnt for every one. hope it works for you


bud bootlegger
man.. i dont know about this.. having to piss a day after smoking? i would be a lil nervous.. is there no way he could get some clean urine from a family member or where ever and piss using this? i would be a little nervous about this, regardless of how much water one was to drink. i am not a pro at piss tests though, so don't take what i say for law... i was also curious about this, and that is why i checked out your thread..
best of luck to your cousin though


Active Member
Man....That sucks!

I wish Ihad some usefull information for you, but lemon jellow seems to knowwhat he's talkin about.

Good luck bro


Active Member
man.. i dont know about this.. having to piss a day after smoking? i would be a lil nervous.. is there no way he could get some clean urine from a family member or where ever and piss using this? i would be a little nervous about this, regardless of how much water one was to drink. i am not a pro at piss tests though, so don't take what i say for law... i was also curious about this, and that is why i checked out your thread..
best of luck to your cousin though
prolly the best and safest idea used my bros piss to pass my pre employment, just filled up an enema bottle, microwave to like 95 degrees F and squirt it into the cup


prolly the best and safest idea used my bros piss to pass my pre employment, just filled up an enema bottle, microwave to like 95 degrees F and squirt it into the cup
well we are whatched while we piss and if he chugs all this water, hell have to hold it in for 6 and a half hours and i couldnt do that with a gallon of water in my blatter

one time i passed a piss test by chugging cranberry juice and the water in the morning and drinking tea during the day and i took a test of my own and passed without diluding it


is there a way to clean yourself out completely iv heard 3 gallons of water will do it but next time i fail since i just got out of rehab recently before my brother got out i goto longterm rehab (Not cool man!)


The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Christ, I post this every time I see the word piss next to test.

My only recommendation for beating a piss test [if you must smoke weed] is ‘herbal cleansing’ Carbo Clean 32 [available in Grape and Fruit Punch flavors], about $60 at GNC, though you may be able to find it somewhere else.
I'd drink it t-minus 2 1/2 - 3 hours. Piss as much as you can. "The test is supposedly active from 1 or 2 to 5 or 6 hours." The more times you piss the better it is. You won't have to go too much, so after you drink it, piss every ten minutes, force yourself [not joking]. The best method to beat your piss test is to not smoke [or smoke less]. Another thing to look into is JWH-018.

Also, get a kit from walmart [or any store] to test yourself. TRY to piss dirty for this test. Fill the first half of what you need in the cup with the beginning of your urine stream, and the rest from the last drops of your urine stream. This is ideally the first piss of your day. If you go clean on this one, save your clearing kit. Eat a big fatty meal, don&#8217;t exercise, and only drink a little extra water. NOT TOO MUCH! This will fuck up your creatine and specific gravity if you get selected for lab testing [This, the previous part, is ONLY if your attempted dirty test is clean]. If you're dirty... use your clearing kit and buy another clearing kit, and if you want some peace of mind, test yourself with a walmart test before the real test again to make sure you're clean [always are]. Good luck man, so many people give false information over piss tests, they say things like 'niacin, water, cranberry juice...' I did the research, I lived it, and I experienced Carbo Clean 32 beating a PROBATION LAB TEST. This test does GC/MS [toughest piss test ever] and adulterant tests [also tough to beat, detects if you used a clearing kit], including specific gravity and creatinine. <-- and specific gravity and creatinine levels will be FUCKED from water-loading.

Also some tips to help yourself stay clean [no offense here if you live a PETA lifestyle] Eat a shit ton, and eat a lot of red meat. This will boost your creatinine levels naturally. Exercise so you don't get fat. The more you eat the more you shit, and where I'm going with this, is all of the THC absorbed into your system, 80% of it leaves your body through your shit, and 20% of it leaves through your piss. Each time you take 80% away of the THC, the less likely you are to piss dirty. Dark liquor [best], though any will work... (avoid beer a few days before and after smoke sessions) [enough to get good and buzzed (I prefer enough to get FUCKED UP)] 2 hours prior to smoking will help to prevent "Note I didn't say entirely prevent" THC from bonding to your fat cells, causing an equal amount of high from smoking, and much much quicker 'spent' or 'metabolized' THC will be eliminated <-- which is what they detect in a test, active THC will not be detected.

I'm sorry if this looks like a speech, but I want you to definitely understand a VERY brief overview of my countless hours of piss-test-research findings.


Active Member
if your brother is skinny his chances are better.if he's heavy i'd try to get some clean piss somewere.and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
lol, this seems like one of those times where he/you really should of thought about this BEFORE he/you smoked if its so important he/you pass the piss test. your not totally screwed but i would of at least put a little bit of of thought into it before risking it. do you/your brother go to jail or prison if you fail the tests and they kick you out of the program? basically im asking what happens if you/he fails?