• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?


Active Member
I believe 1st term abortions should be readily available, 2nd term should have some restrictions (not sure exactly what they should be), and 3rd term should only be allowed in the event the birth may put the mother at harm, or the baby will be born with horrible birth defects, or whatnot. Personally I think you should have to be licensed to have a kid (look at the many, many horrible parents that have multiple kids, etc.) I know many of you will call me a facist or Communist for saying that but, I am talking for the sake of the neglected and abused children in the world. My biggest gripe with the lower socio-economic end of the spectrum is the amount of kids they have and can't afford. I would rather we have abortions, than crack-heads having 7 children, they won't raise properly.
If a person is not going to responsible then consiqunces come. Life is sacred.
And nobody has ever said keeping the off spring of insest. Calm down and quit trying to always find something to argue about.
Quit making-up platforms so that you can generate an arguement.

It all comes down to responsibility. Individule responsibility.
I believe 1st term abortions should be readily available, 2nd term should have some restrictions (not sure exactly what they should be), and 3rd term should only be allowed in the event the birth may put the mother at harm, or the baby will be born with horrible birth defects, or whatnot. Personally I think you should have to be licensed to have a kid (look at the many, many horrible parents that have multiple kids, etc.) I know many of you will call me a facist or Communist for saying that but, I am talking for the sake of the neglected and abused children in the world. My biggest gripe with the lower socio-economic end of the spectrum is the amount of kids they have and can't afford. I would rather we have abortions, than crack-heads having 7 children, they won't raise properly.
It's a mess isn't. Responsibility is not being taught. Consiquences are a thing of the past.
I had consiquences all my life and I learned from them.
Today... it's like there's no such thing.

I agree with the licensing thing to a point but... who in the world would make such a determination? And what would the consiquences be for a violation?
Tuff problem.

Maybe if poeple were taught that Life is sacred- the problem would reduce it's self.
Respect of life and learned responsibility.



Active Member
It's a mess isn't. Responsibility is not being taught. Consiquences are a thing of the past.
I had consiquences all my life and I learned from them.
Today... it's like there's no such thing.

I agree with the licensing thing to a point but... who in the world would make such a determination? And what would the consiquences be for a violation?
Tuff problem.

Maybe if poeple were taught that Life is sacred- the problem would reduce it's self.
Respect of life and learned responsibility.

I agree, that's where the licensing comes into problems. I don't think a child should be treated as a consequence, because they are the one's who ultimately suffer. I think the biggest thing is removing all Abstinance Only sexual education, and putting back real sex ed that teaches shit like safe sex, and birth control. Abortion should be the last choice, but women should have that option. Where we differ is, I don't believe it is anything more than a clump of cells until the end of the 1st trimester. But I'm not religious.
No worries. I think that once the sperm cracks the shell of the egg- the light of light turs on at that moment. A new Light In Life has begun it's journey through time- eternal (starting with the temperal.)
All things have a begining.
The wisdom comes from understanding the difference between
infinity and


Well-Known Member
yep. all libs have little pea brains! their clueless sheeple with no moral values who want too destroy this country and make king obammy rich.
i truly hope this is a comical alter ego or something. im not a liberal but i am fairly moderate. also i guess the only reason you dont lose a debate is because you never actually come out with a valid opinion. What morals have you shown? other than ignorance as a virtue. some on now guy. i do agree the gov't has no right to interfere with us but there are some neccessary evils. take for instance i can only assume that you dont support public education but 9 out of 10 americans do. I am a full time student with no vehicle and no cell phone etc. and i cant afford health insurance. im 21 years old and it would cost me over $130 a month to keep minimal coverage. I personally think that HEALTH CARE REFORM is needed. im not looking for a hand out but for someone who is only sick once a year to pay 2000 a year for a 300 dollar dr visit is unacceptable. I already pay for FICA and social security which thanks to your saviour GW Bush will not be around when i need to collect from it. The thought that gov't cant successfuly run a health care system is a joke. look at the military. they have the best healthcare in the US. granted i dont put my life on the line but i support my country in other ways. It's simply not fair that there is no option for healthcare for me. so can you please rebut. i honestly dont think that you can bring one valid point up to dissend from my opinion.

Obama = Huge deficit(thanks to GWB)
perhaps 10 of the 44 biliion given to the pentagon annually could relieve some of this debt. parhaps but then we have guys like you who feel we need to be team america world police while we cant even afford humane treatment of our own citizens


Well-Known Member
In that case ... okey your knowledge is above average american knowledge level...

Respect for u
seriously? that would be like me assuming that all french nationals smell and all british nationals have bad teeth. Who are you to set the standards of American intelligence? I hate how we are the idiotic inbreds, and all the while every other country is superior. It is not about where you are but who you are. If you have the will to learn you will put forth the effort and educate yourself. The entire world claims we have these huge ego's and claim supriority over everyone else. look at the british. Are they deemed egocentric even though in the past century they have attempted to control 1/6th of the worlds population? ie India


Well-Known Member
yeah were only dumb and backwoods untill the the shit hits the fan... then were the great nation of america coming to bail there asses out, yet again.
As for Gov Health care...
Start with Tort Reform. That alone will pull the costs for Ins coverage down low.
Allow the States to provide something for thier people.
Keep the Federal Gov out.
They have not run one single thing correctly- and now they want to mess up national health care.
I don't think so.
Let the people of each State do what needs to be done.
Come up with a State Insurence and hold the Ins Companies accountable for their costs. (usually high due to BS law suits.)
So you see- It always comes back to the courts and lawyers.
They are not interested in Justice.
It's the money.

But- first- deal with Tort Reform.

Oh, by the way...
If Gov Heath care happeneds- you will NOT be able to sue anything or anyone for shit.
No more lawsuits but it will cost 10 times as much now- then.

Uncle Scam is at it again.
Don't be fooled.


New Member
I have been honorably discharged with a purple heart for losing a foot and my hearing in my right ear from an IED. What sacrafice have you made. I was part of the invasion and we took out the republican guard in 11 days. We were fighting taliban and other muslim radicals after that so I guess they all packed up and came from pakistan during those 11 days. Idiot. Its called taking the fight to them. I forgot you'd rather see our buildings collapse. And as far as the oath I took. I took it when we had a president that at least saluted the Flag. hahaha
I also served in a useless, pointless war, One where all common sense was abrogated by authorities, Viet Nam. Believe me, the information passed on to the foot soldiers is nothing but jingoistic crap. It is Non-news, only allowing the rhetoric of the day to be put out there. The Brass tell the troops what they need to make them hate the enemy, all facts being massaged to fit the situation. I'm sorry you lost your foot and hearing, but the truth is and was, the troops on the line never get the facts, only what the brass are handing out at the time. I was in Germany during the Cuban Missle Crises, never heard about it untill after I got out of the military. The facts are: Al Qaeda was in Packistan and Afghanistan until long after we invaded Iraq. They went to Iraq to Kill Americans, where they had some success. You were fighting an insurgency
(insurgent - guerrilla: a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment
insurgent - in opposition to a civil authority or government)
That insurgency consisted of Iraqis and foriegn fighters come to kill Americans for invading their soverign lands.
It is hard to win an insurgency because these insurgents are fighting for freedom from foriegn intervention, Kinda like if Russia invaded the USA and Russian troops were driving tanks through our streets. One would either be an insurgent or a collaborator. Which would you be?
I would be helping to organize the insurgents big time.
(Hey... wait.... that's what I kind'a do now.)
How fun !
You are only as good as the imnformation you receive and, even better- you are only as good as the questions you ask.
(this does not apply in the case of organized combate. You have to love and respect what you're at war with and who you're fighting for.
V-Nam was a complete travisty. Words can not even express my utter contempt for what happended to my Uncle.

nuf said about that and the above.


Active Member
Whateverone to answer you. Yes I'm very much against abortion. How is it part of the solution? What solution? To kill a baby that hasn't even had a chance to live? Who knows what that baby might have grown up to do? Maybe that one baby could have been the one to actually come up with a solution to the “overpopulation” problem, or world hunger problem(This one's just corporate America greed).
Abortion is Murder simple as that! Abortion means to terminate.

How am I selfish bastard? Because I want life over death for everyone?
Selfish might be the wrong term... But you say you want everyone to live... ... To bad but it cant be done do the math if u care that much.. How u expect 6 (an a half) billion people to have the same luxury level as you and I do... THAT CANT HAPPEN!!! At the moment the third world is still paying for the lifestyle we all have.
If u don't recognize this u are small minded.. Simple fact: If the whole world would eat as much meat as we do, they're wouldn't be enough grassland to feed the cows needed for the world so unless your a veggie u simply can't deny that... AND THATS JUST ONE FACT there hundred examples... possibly more..


Active Member
if you're against abortion and you haven't adopted a child then shut the fuck up. Unless it's not your problem of course. Me personally I wouldn't have my child aborted but I don't look down on someone who would choose to. Should the crack-head get it aborted or have a crack-baby? Should little suzy keep the baby that's gonna remind her of daddy fucking her? We definitely need more 15 year old kids with babies that will definitely be great for society.
Aside the fact in early posts that you're a racist u make very good points


Active Member
i truly hope this is a comical alter ego or something. im not a liberal but i am fairly moderate. also i guess the only reason you dont lose a debate is because you never actually come out with a valid opinion. What morals have you shown? other than ignorance as a virtue. some on now guy. i do agree the gov't has no right to interfere with us but there are some neccessary evils. take for instance i can only assume that you dont support public education but 9 out of 10 americans do. I am a full time student with no vehicle and no cell phone etc. and i cant afford health insurance. im 21 years old and it would cost me over $130 a month to keep minimal coverage. I personally think that HEALTH CARE REFORM is needed. im not looking for a hand out but for someone who is only sick once a year to pay 2000 a year for a 300 dollar dr visit is unacceptable. I already pay for FICA and social security which thanks to your saviour GW Bush will not be around when i need to collect from it. The thought that gov't cant successfuly run a health care system is a joke. look at the military. they have the best healthcare in the US. granted i dont put my life on the line but i support my country in other ways. It's simply not fair that there is no option for healthcare for me. so can you please rebut. i honestly dont think that you can bring one valid point up to dissend from my opinion.

Obama = Huge deficit(thanks to GWB)
perhaps 10 of the 44 biliion given to the pentagon annually could relieve some of this debt. parhaps but then we have guys like you who feel we need to be team america world police while we cant even afford humane treatment of our own citizens
U are to damn right mate.. Here in belgium we Do have public healthcare that WORKS... Nobody will ever not be treated in a hospital if he or she is suffering or in danger...
It goes on, but above is the simple fact that it CAN be done


Active Member
seriously? that would be like me assuming that all french nationals smell and all british nationals have bad teeth. Who are you to set the standards of American intelligence? I hate how we are the idiotic inbreds, and all the while every other country is superior. It is not about where you are but who you are. If you have the will to learn you will put forth the effort and educate yourself. The entire world claims we have these huge ego's and claim supriority over everyone else. look at the british. Are they deemed egocentric even though in the past century they have attempted to control 1/6th of the worlds population? ie India
I was going to give u the credit but then some moron posted beneath your post and I read it before typing this

(yeah were only dumb and backwoods untill the the shit hits the fan... then were the great nation of america coming to bail there asses out, yet again. )

... perhaps u understand what I'm implying ...
but i've noticed that i've been somewhat to progressive in the past.. Will use my words more carefully, please let it go...
It's a shame a good debate would turn into name calling or whatever...

BTW Is it me or is my English better than his? Untill is spelled- u n t i l -if I'm not mistaken.. No I'm not (looked it up :p)
Aside the fact in early posts that you're a racist u make very good points
Let it go. That creates the foundation of a new (but old) point of contention. Lets focus on Good things.
How would you like it if somebody rubbed your nose in something they don't like about you.

Be a blessing to others and not a curse.
I say all this to you as a friend. So please look at the spirit in which it's being delivered.


Well-Known Member
"does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?"

um... guessing from your grammar, i'd say nearly all of them, though i doubt there'd be much of a debate going on...