Marinol For My Tourettes


I just got prescribed marinol from my doctor for my tourettes, I cant wait to try it, hope it helps. I will be my doctors first patient to experiment with this. I will keep you guys updated, ok?


Well-Known Member
i heard marinol fucks with your brain chemistry. maybe thats what helps with keepint the tourettes under control tho? i dunno, im no doctor

ive never tried marinol. id like to know if you feel baked off a few pills and if smoking the tinyest joint or bowl would make you fried as hell


Marinol isn't extremely simalir to mj. Marinol is only a synthetic of one cannabanoid, thc. Some researching suggests that while thc is the main active ingredient tht produces the high, other cannabanoids are responsible for some aspects of the high, such as munchies, giggles, etc. But whatever works best for you.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive been getting marinol since I had cancer two years ago.The 5 mg pills just make me sleepy and watch taking too much,that shit will give you one hell of a panic attack


Ive been getting marinol since I had cancer two years ago.The 5 mg pills just make me sleepy and watch taking too much,that shit will give you one hell of a panic attack
I guess u Don't live in a medical mj state? That's too bad. I'm in Illinois, I think they passed legislation but I'm not too sure. I heard a lot that marinol wasn't nearly as good.


Active Member
If weed has no medical value according to the government why the hell would they make a drug that is similar to THC. Its just retarded


Active Member
I hope you get some positive results from the Marinol. We'll be watching this thread to see how it works for you.
Be well ~


Member my (120) 2.5mg count today, finally, for $10...i live in texas, one of the few states with a brainless law structure...they say everything is bigger in texas , like bigger douchebag laws...screw these big, brokeback state laws... anyways, it was hard as anything to get this pescribed to me, I hope it works.

but i mean really,this stuff deffinately makes you tired, it kind of feels like my emotions are more intense, like i could break down easier...There is no giggly feeling to this stuff. Its all business. I took 4 Capsules of 2.5mg today and almost had a panic attack for the first time in months since ive been on pristiq...but hey im not hitting my self anymore, no more jerking, for now! Im also debating wether to smoke Marijuana on top of this. Does anyone know how this stuff works? I thought the heating of the resin to 150 Deg produced a chemical reaction, producing thc? how can they pill Delta9-tetrahydracannibinol? So im guessing that lining my joint with Marinol is pointless right, since theres already thc theres no point in burning it again?


Active Member
Were you prescribed to take 10mg of the stuff? My thinking is that it's better to start with a lower dosage, maybe you wouldn't have that 'almost panic attack' thing.

Did smoking herb help you before you started the Marinol? If not, I wouldn't suggest that plus the Marinol.

It certainly sounds like the Marinol worked for your symptoms.

I know a Neurologist who is head at a University, his specialty is Tourettes. I would be happy to ask him his opinion if you want to PM me with details about what meds you are taking, and a brief med history. I like to keep my questions to him at a minimum, so please be concise and answer the questions I already asked.

best of luck with this,


i would like to see a pick if you got some

Here is a picture for you sir...Today , pretty much all of my tics are gone...but wow, last night i felt brain-fucked...i took 4, 2.5mg and im a Very frequent toker, thinking i can handle it...boy was I in for it. It was like going to a funeral and sitting there for 8 hours. Im going to try just one dose today and smoke Master Kush also to see how it works on me... i wil keep you guys updated.


BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
Here is a picture for you sir...Today , pretty much all of my tics are gone...but wow, last night i felt brain-fucked...i took 4, 2.5mg and im a Very frequent toker, thinking i can handle it...boy was I in for it. It was like going to a funeral and sitting there for 8 hours. Im going to try just one dose today and smoke Master Kush also to see how it works on me... i wil keep you guys updated.
i wanted to see what the pills look like, not the bottle


Well-Known Member
My pops gets the 10mg marinols. I take up to four and that does me well. It's a lot different in a sense that you're almost taking an edible. You just have to know how to use 'em. Smoking with them helps you stay lit for a lot longer and a lot depends on your tolerance, too. My dad personally loves them, too. He gets loaded off them because he has a very low tolerance since he doesn't smoke super often. Tolerance and lack of knowledge toward the effects and some other factors are what makes most people say "this shit sucks." Just a bit of information from my personal experiences.

Blaze on.


I know this is a relatively old thread, but I wanted to offer my findings.

I smoked for about a year to deal with my tics, and it worked wonders. However, I live in Maryland and the medical mj legislation here is iffy at best, so I decided to wait until full on support is offered with dispensaries, etc.

In the meantime, I got 10mg pills of marinol prescribed - 2 in the morning and 2 in the late afternoon.

I smoked ~1g a day for over a year, to give an idea of my tolerance level. 10mg gives me a buzz but doesn't really take away my tics. 20mg does the job and let's me focus when I want to focus, and be glued to my couch if I'm so inclined.

30+ does a number on me, and I don't really like it, especially not compared to the real deal. In terms of getting rid of tics, tho, 20mg takes about 90% of them away, and for that, I am thankful.
I have Tourettes,but a mild form,mostly the occasional facial tic,but over the holidays I had my first vocal tics in nearly 30 years. Nothing big but it surprised me as seemed to be triggered by a couple of bong rips of Lemon Kush? Usually it's intense stress that kicks off both types tics,but that Kush was a knockout high.

I've noticed strong Indica's kicking up the facial tics over the years. When I was young,in my teens and twenties,the Mexican and Colombian Sativa's of those times knocked my tics out cold.

I've used synthetic THC made clandestinely in a university lab. Weird high. Of my group of friends,I was the only one who enjoyed the high. The rest of them either had panic attacks or weird hallucinations/body sensations.

For my Tourettes,I go with the good ol' Mexican Schwag or local homegrown leaf.