color in stems

the stems in my 3 plants, one is about 2.5' and the others are about 8", are green at the bottom and starting about half way up the plants they turn purplish red at some points and stay green in other areas. any knowledge on this?


Active Member
i have 3 planted and and theird stems hav been redish/purple since the first day they sprouted. now there really really dark purple(day25). everyone told me its either the strand,not warm enough, or its lacking magnesium or phosphorus


Well-Known Member
...this is a sign that the temp is get'n too cold bud.
...make sure you inbetween 70-80f
That can be a sign but it can mean a lot of other things as well. Certain deficiencies can cause reddening or purpling of the stems. A lot of strains have purplish stems also.


Well-Known Member
My Trainwreck girls all have those reddish/purple stems, and they are kept at 78 degrees 20hrs a day, and 68 the other four. Unless you notice another problem along with it, I wouldn't worry just over the color.:peace:

strain stalker

New Member
...yeah, I'm sure you guys are right about the strains have'n this naturally, I also have a train wreck, and it does this...Jorge Cervantes is my resorce for that info. However, I nuked them up some and made sure my temps were in the proper range with a recording type of t-stat....and things seemed to get greener...idk, I can't put nothing in, I just recommended to "make sure" he was in the proper range...but, regardless, this has never effect my consistant yield sizes. Good luck fellas! :)


Active Member
my stems hav been purple/redish since the first day they sprouted, but they got alot darked about 2 days after i transfered em to bigger pots, and last night i notice 2 or 3 purple/black bloches on a couple leaves, this morning they were about 5 times bigger then they were :'(...
any body know what it could be? the temps in my grow room were at about 55-60 for a while but i warmed em up slowly threw out a couple days to 75-80, 2 or 3 days ago.


Well-Known Member
my stems hav been purple/redish since the first day they sprouted, but they got alot darked about 2 days after i transfered em to bigger pots, and last night i notice 2 or 3 purple/black bloches on a couple leaves, this morning they were about 5 times bigger then they were :'(...
any body know what it could be? the temps in my grow room were at about 55-60 for a while but i warmed em up slowly threw out a couple days to 75-80, 2 or 3 days ago.
Whoa! That is waaaaay too cold! How long were they like that? That's probably your problem right there! Do you have pics of them?


Active Member
yea i kno it is, i warmed it up, its been 75-80 for about 2 days now. this is a pic on day 20, befor the leaves got the nasty spots on em

this one is my 3 leaf mutant =) haha

today is day 24 on em, the one in the first pic is doing great. the 3 leaf, and another one are the ones with the black spots


Active Member
they were that cold the entire time they were growing, im wondering if they got used to it b that cold n went into shock when it got warm, cuz i added more lights and heat to the room in the same day


Well-Known Member
the pics were taken befor i raised the temp at all, when it started getting warm is when they started looking unhealthy
I would try and keep the temps steady around the 75 mark. 68-78 is where mine seem to be happy. Looks like you have a combination of things going on, starting with the cold - definately stunted them, possibly even damaged the roots. If so that could be causing a nutrient lockout. They look a tad on the overwatered side, and starting to stretch - possibly not enough light, either. What are you using? You need a minimum of 3000 lumens per square foot for growing mj, 5000 lumens per square foot is recommended. Are they bagseed? If so, and if you have the temps under control now, to be honest I would scrap 'em and start over. You have the growth of a normal week to ten day old seedling. At three weeks, it should look more like this pic.
I hope this didn't sound too harsh, I don't mean for it to be - just trying to help. Good luck!:peace:



Active Member
i was using 2 17 watt fourescent tubes that put off 1325 lumens each but now i have 4 17 watt flouro tubes and 2 cfls im not sure what the watts are on them but the total number of lumes is somewhere around 7000-9000
do you think that is enough? i have the lights about 2-3 inches away from plant


Well-Known Member
i was using 2 17 watt fourescent tubes that put off 1325 lumens each but now i have 4 17 watt flouro tubes and 2 cfls im not sure what the watts are on them but the total number of lumes is somewhere around 7000-9000
do you think that is enough? i have the lights about 2-3 inches away from plant
Yes and no, I think you're better off getting more CFL's on them than the tubes - they just don't have the same penetration. They will do the trick though - I just don't know if you'll be happy with the results. Do you have a Home Depot or Lowes near you? Can pick up a four pack of the 6500K CFL's for about $12. Personally, I veg with 4x27w CFL's per plant, they probably overlap a little though because i actually have them set up 12 to a rack. I've been satisfied with the results though, at least until I can afford to go with MH.


Well-Known Member
i was using 2 17 watt fourescent tubes that put off 1325 lumens each but now i have 4 17 watt flouro tubes and 2 cfls im not sure what the watts are on them but the total number of lumes is somewhere around 7000-9000
do you think that is enough? i have the lights about 2-3 inches away from plant
Thats a good distence, but lumens don't ADD like that. I've seen it explained troughout RIU many times. You need the proper spectrum's, 6500 for veg, and 2700 for flower, or both all the time. You're CFL's ideally should be 42w or higher. Some ppl get away with doubling up on 23-27w but keepin them close is the key.

The more lights you have the better coverage you have, not more light intensity.


Active Member
the tubes i have are 4100 spectrum i think,17 watt idk im not to experienced with the lighting ya know. but these are just for personal, and i have to keep the energy use low.