lol wow.. the idiot STILL didnt read my whole post.. just skips to the end and starts quoting utter nonsense. Here I'll bold it for him so he can stop looking like a moron..

I did not advocate using only advanced nutrients, in fact the exact opposite. I said that two products I have used in the past were good stuff, and I would recommend them
As for thinking i work for advanced nutrients.. when the guy just makes up something about septic tank cleaner I just have to call something that stupid out. There is enough wrong/incorrect info on this forum already, no need to allow some idiot to just pull info out of his ass as he's typing. He made it up, thought it sounded good, and thought no one would contradict him. There is no point even arguing with the guy, as he has yet to read the original post he loves to keep quoting, so I thought I'd point out that what hes saying is utter bullshit"Make sure and pick a good base nutrient system as well, even more important than all your additives! AN has their grow/bloom/micro system, but many others are just as good (foxfarm, botanicare, general hydro, etc.) Pick the one that fits your budget the best, and then fill in with as many additives as you have cash left for.
I'd recommend big bud and voodoo juice first."

I did not advocate using only advanced nutrients, in fact the exact opposite. I said that two products I have used in the past were good stuff, and I would recommend them