Whats wrong with my plants?


Hello I am semi new to this. It's my second grow and the first was unsuccessful. The system is the SH bubbleponics. My problem is that on one of my plants the bottom leaves are browning, and tehr are some suspicious bumps on the lower stem on some of my others. I have attached pictures, any advice?


let me know if i need more info also...i really need input. the older leaves are dying while the younger leaves are fine...


Well-Known Member
you have to be a member to view those pics, upload them directly. sounds like a nute problem or a heat issue


you have to be a member to view those pics, upload them directly. sounds like a nute problem or a heat issue
is there a way to upload the pics without uplaoding them directly? for some reason they wond upload for me..takes forever then says cannot connect...


Well-Known Member
im not a member and i can see the pics , what lights are u using ? it looks kinda like the bottome leaves arnt getting enuff light so there dying off


Active Member
looks like nute burn or deficency, what is your ppm in the tank? how old are the plants what are the temps and humidity running on average? but generally as long as the new growth on them is a nice dark green and rapid the plant should recover.