AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
it seems that moving the crate is your only option. I am scared shitless to top mine, I have always just let them grow. I will watch yours and see how they do.
Yeah, how far along are those in the pictures? they look great! What kind of lighting are you using


New Member
Yeah, how far along are those in the pictures? they look great! What kind of lighting are you using
thank you...I started them on october 4th. I am using the sunleaves pioneer IV and 2 315 watt dual spectrum cfl's...that's way over 30,000 lumens. I have a 400 watt hps but it gets way too hot for my small area, it stayed around 90 degrees. I also have one in dirt and it's looking real nice too. The big one is bc kush and the little one is sheherazde.


Well-Known Member
So uhm my roots are a bit brown. Though, I think it might be from the flora nova, since it makes the water all Iced Tea-ish i think it'st staining the roots. should i add some like... hydrogen peroxide?


Just some idiot
Good question, I know that h2o2 can be beneficial in certain instances but in other instances it will kill all bacteria even the beneficial stuff. So what happens is that the h2o2 can cancel out a water conditioner like Hydroguard...

I personally would think that the roots are being stained but without a pic I don't want to say for sure....


Well-Known Member

Last night i removed the crate that the plants were on top of.. i hope this doesnt compromise anything for the others but the survivor was getting too tall it was all bent and stuff and smashed up against the glass. The one under the glass still hasnt rooted yet. But isn't dying so, I assume it's doing SOMETHING. I had a little bit of burn on the edges of the leaves on the survivor but i think thats because of that water ppm issue with the flora nova. Im not sure what the ppm is right now ill check in a minute.

Here's everyone:

Survivor is on Day 33: Im still wondering if i "fim"ed this correctly?

And this is our "non snapped" round 2 plant: on Day 30.

^^should i top that?

The dud's doing okay... not really any new growth. i dont know whats going on.


Well-Known Member
its kinda hard to believe that the survivor is only 3 days ahead of that round 2 one... @_@ crazy.

ppm is @ 600


New Member
damn Katie that dude looks good...what are ur plans for flower? are u going give the others a chance to catch up? or are you going to go when the big one is ready?


Well-Known Member
damn Katie that dude looks good...what are ur plans for flower? are u going give the others a chance to catch up? or are you going to go when the big one is ready?
I am unsure at the moment. I just looked and the middle one under the glass hasnt even rooted AT ALL! so i recut it and put more cloning solution on. kind of pisses me off because i spent 20 on that solution just to save that asshole plant. -_-

do you think the big on IS ready to flower? I think i might wait till that one in the bottom right looks a little closer? because what if the big ones a male.. god that would really really suck. :(

For flowering i was going to get a conversion bulb but that would only be 150 watts of HPS. @_@

I have a friend who has offered their 400 watt HPS to me.. Im just concerned about energy and heat issues, because my circuits are shit and i wouldnt be able to plug in a fan. unless i did like.. cfl.

Yeah, I really don't know. I imagine i could leave the closet doors open while the lights were on and that would combat some of heat issues.



Well-Known Member
You might think about running the fan from a different circuit if you went with the 400 watt. I'm not sure when your abode was built, but if you take power from the opposing wall that is generally on another circuit breaker. Please tell me it is new enough not to have fuses!

Good luck Ms. Kate!


Well-Known Member
You might think about running the fan from a different circuit if you went with the 400 watt. I'm not sure when your abode was built, but if you take power from the opposing wall that is generally on another circuit breaker. Please tell me it is new enough not to have fuses!

Good luck Ms. Kate!
fuses? like the curcuit breakers n stuff? er... :\

the closest next circuit is in the living room, so i would have to have one going across the house. @_@


Well-Known Member
Really? across the house? When you goto your main panel (circuot breaker box) How many circuits are there? Many times the circuit breakers will have labeling next to them telling you were in the house they go.

I'm sure you are right, but you might want to check to see. If its the living room, can you run an extension cord?

Fuses were prior to circuit breakers! They actually used to burn out! Most homes built after 1950 have ciruit breakers!


Well-Known Member
Really? across the house? When you goto your main panel (circuot breaker box) How many circuits are there? Many times the circuit breakers will have labeling next to them telling you were in the house they go.

I'm sure you are right, but you might want to check to see. If its the living room, can you run an extension cord?

Fuses were prior to circuit breakers! They actually used to burn out! Most homes built after 1950 have ciruit breakers!
Theres 4 small ones and 2 big ones?

I already have 1 extension cord running from the kitchen to the closet.

My boyfriend isnt thrilled about this little grow project and i dont want him more pissed when i would have yet another extension cord to trip over.


Well-Known Member
Theres 4 small ones and 2 big ones?

I already have 1 extension cord running from the kitchen to the closet.

My boyfriend isnt thrilled about this little grow project and i dont want him more pissed when i would have yet another extension cord to trip over.
ONLY 2 hmmm.

I have read your thread, and i'm not sure why you have the cord running from the kitchen? what is on that one? What is on the outlets in your bedroom? Sorry if this is personal. Apt or house?


Well-Known Member
ONLY 2 hmmm.

I have read your thread, and i'm not sure why you have the cord running from the kitchen? what is on that one? What is on the outlets in your bedroom? Sorry if this is personal. Apt or house?
huh? the kitchen is attached to only the kitchen, the living room and the bathroom and part of the bedroom i think are all on the same one.

Theres no outlet @ the closet the closet is right by the front door which in turn is next to the kitchen. its the closest outlet.



Well-Known Member
Oh i see, I hear closet I automatically assume bedroom. Man that stinks Ms. Kate.

Have you tried a larger guage (thicker extension cord) it might help, less resistance in thicker wires I think is the reasoning. I'm sure you already know that though.


Well-Known Member
i dunno Im using a 15 amp.

Its weird if i plug anything else in besides whats in there, the light and the pump the light goes out. the breaker doesnt turn off but the light goes out with the bubbler thing still going. what a pain in the ass. I called my LL to bitch about it and he asked me what i was plugging in. I said that i plugged in a hair dryer and a vaccum on the same circuit and the breaker went off. (which isnt a lie because it did). he told me dont ahve them plugged into the same breaker @ the same time. fuckin cheapass


Active Member
i don't know if that clone is gunna survive now that u recut it. it usually takes me about 2 weeks max for it to root. u cant really move the cuttings much in that time(stresses them). if you want you can still try running my 400w w/fan for test.because you should be able to draw more power from that outlet.