AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
hahhaha....congrats katie, 401 posts and over 10,000 views. btw hows the injured one doing?


Well-Known Member
hahhaha....congrats katie, 401 posts and over 10,000 views. btw hows the injured one doing?
uhm okay. it looks good, i took the jar off for a little bit this morning and it started wilting again so i put it back under the jar i think ill leave it on until it roots. :\

lets still be hopeful


Active Member
leave the jar until it roots. u can tell by lifting the jar off of it and if it goes with out wilting for 2 hours your fine.


Well-Known Member
Try asking in another area.

We await pics Katie.

yeah..... the suvivors getting bigger. like an inch from the light. and the round 2 is uhmm looking the same size, the "dud" is OK but doesnt seem like its growing much? the one i had to cut is still not rooted.

ill post pictures later, uhm I think im going to do a water change i think its arond that time... perhaps this will spark the little one to grow.

Ill put in flora nova


Well-Known Member

So i finally did a water change, used the flora nova, weird thing is the water is like brown now? due to the nutes.... uhhh any flora nova users?

I put like 1 tsp per gallon? maybe a little less. pH is at 5.8 and the ppm is pretty high, like 700? this is im guessing due to the flora nova as well.... Im cooling the water by putting a frozen water bottle in there from time to time. Seems to be working the leaves seem less curled..

I want to top the survivor its getting too tall and im not ready to move the light up because i think it will cause a weird stretch in the others. So i'll post some pictures you tell me exactly what to cut off.

Heres everyone (sorry its sideways)

Heres the 2 of the Survivor:

^^do i cut off the entire thing that's sticking up?

Heres another one:

Okay Yeah that's all for now


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, and I haven't added any calcium magnesium. I want to be sure this high of a ppm is okay before i add things that will spike it further.. so hurry up with your commentary ^_^ TY!


New Member

So i finally did a water change, used the flora nova, weird thing is the water is like brown now? due to the nutes.... uhhh any flora nova users?

I put like 1 tsp per gallon? maybe a little less. pH is at 5.8 and the ppm is pretty high, like 700? this is im guessing due to the flora nova as well.... Im cooling the water by putting a frozen water bottle in there from time to time. Seems to be working the leaves seem less curled..

I want to top the survivor its getting too tall and im not ready to move the light up because i think it will cause a weird stretch in the others. So i'll post some pictures you tell me exactly what to cut off.

Heres everyone (sorry its sideways)

Heres the 2 of the Survivor:

^^do i cut off the entire thing that's sticking up?

Heres another one:

Okay Yeah that's all for now
Those are pretty....I think if 700 was to high you see burn, but those are really nice looking....I use flora nova and my water is brown and I add 1 tsp for every gallon I put in. IF....I was going to cut it, in the first pic I would cut just below that first set of fan leaves...I think we started pretty close to th e same time, but mine is a pure indica and it's staying short and bushy.


Well-Known Member
Those are pretty....I think if 700 was to high you see burn, but those are really nice looking....I use flora nova and my water is brown and I add 1 tsp for every gallon I put in. IF....I was going to cut it, in the first pic I would cut just below that first set of fan leaves...I think we started pretty close to th e same time, but mine is a pure indica and it's staying short and bushy.
mines pure indica too. well it had only been in there for like 10 mins.. so i still might see burn. how do i lower ppm? take out water and add freshwater?


New Member
mines pure indica too. well it had only been in there for like 10 mins.. so i still might see burn. how do i lower ppm? take out water and add freshwater?

Well if your ppm is 700, this means that your ec is either 1.0 or 1.4... It's best to give out EC readings in a thread, that way it's easier to tell where you are. PPM is not exact anyway. There are also certain organic nutrients that don't register electrical conductivity.

If the EC of your res' is too high (certain strains can take higher EC), then the answer is to dilute your res'. If it is too low, then you add more nutes. Unfortunately I do not use your nutes.


New Member
mines pure indica too. well it had only been in there for like 10 mins.. so i still might see burn. how do i lower ppm? take out water and add freshwater?
how much water is yours using on a daily basis? I am adding like a gallon a day and I only have 2 plants.... I would post a picture of mine, but this is your thread.....what ppm is your plain water?


Well-Known Member
how much water is yours using on a daily basis? I am adding like a gallon a day and I only have 2 plants.... I would post a picture of mine, but this is your thread.....what ppm is your plain water?
yeah yeah post a picture...

ppm before? like 12?

i just sucked out a gallon. and put a gallon of fresh in there with no nutes. this took the ppm down to around 600? uhhh it appears about a gallon a day id say?

So im off to go top my big guy. its like 1/2 an inch from the light. if i remove the crate that the bucket is on, that will take it to about a foot or so away from the light? should i move the crate? I don't really dare move the light, afraid that what happened last time might occur (glass breaking) or worse it falling on my plants.


Well-Known Member
These are probably difficult to see:

I topped the large one just now, and I hope i did this right. Sorry the pictures are so blurry i hope you can kind of tell what i did. I basically took the "bud" looking thing separated the fan leaves off of it.. and cut about 80% of it off. leaving the bottom of it. it was kinda thick so thats why it looks like a gaping bobble

Feedback and Commentary always appriciated

