
Active Member
holy fuck you buy clones of that guy 70$ each OMG around here if u got a buddy there never more than 10$ each
Hey I ordered a couple Red Dragon Feminized from and they just came in. I wasn't sure if they were legit so I only ordered two seeds.
I thought the prices were reasonable ... I got an order confirmation on the 6th and they didn't get here until the 21st ... this seemed slow but I'm probably just impatient.

The package came in a padded envelop with a dvd case inside (somethin to germinate in perhaps..). Two separate small ziplocs with a label on them. Inside was a clipping from what seemed to be some sort of packaging to prove that the seeds were from Barneys. Both seeds appear to be in good health.

We'll see how things turn out but I don't see a reason why I wouldn't use them again.

Good luck and happy growin


Active Member
thanks for the heads up on marijuana-seeds-canada now I really think I'm going to make a small order


Well-Known Member
Hey I ordered a couple Red Dragon Feminized from and they just came in. I wasn't sure if they were legit so I only ordered two seeds.
I thought the prices were reasonable ... I got an order confirmation on the 6th and they didn't get here until the 21st ... this seemed slow but I'm probably just impatient.

The package came in a padded envelop with a dvd case inside (somethin to germinate in perhaps..). Two separate small ziplocs with a label on them. Inside was a clipping from what seemed to be some sort of packaging to prove that the seeds were from Barneys. Both seeds appear to be in good health.

We'll see how things turn out but I don't see a reason why I wouldn't use them again.

Good luck and happy growin
THANKS FOR THE REPLY :) But please NEVER EVER leak info on how they discreetly pack it, it may not be so discreet in the future. Happy bean popping


Active Member
just to let everyone know, there is some kind of MEGA SALE o n this site right now
fem. seeds very very VERY CHEAP!!!!!!
definitely check IT OUT!!!!!!
I have ordered from this site just recently, and received the seeds within a weeks’ time. Although I am always hectic when buying anything "suspicious" with credit cards, this company took the time to stealth the purchase. I am very satisfied with this company’s selection, service, and would recommend it to anyone in Canada, although some notes must be taken into consideration. They are as follows:

- In the disclaimer on their site, they state that they WILL release ALL purchase information if directed to do so for legal purposes. (In other words, if they're shut-down, you're screwed...)

- They seem to fluctuate there prices on a regular basis, so visit the site daily for a week until making your purchase (in order to get the best bargain.)

Other than that, it is a very reliable company, but order at your own risk...:leaf:


Active Member
I've noticed that the prices go up and down on a daily basis, I guess you just have to be ready to make the order when you see them low.
As to them giving your personal information out after and if they close down, of course its something to think about but I'd always get the seeds sent to another address and pay with CASH in an insured EXPRESS POST envelope, that way they don't have ANY of your information.
But thanks for the info. on the site it sounds like you've been happy with them so far
*** warning *** warning ***

i ordered from this site two weeks ago, and have had a run-in with the police last night. (i'll detail it below) likely, the company has been apprehended, or the police have gotten around "stealth" credit card statments. Do not order!

Details: At one in the morning i noticed a police cruser with his lights on pointing a flashlight at houses on the street in which we reside. It looked as though he was looking for a house number. This happened at one in the morning. I quickley got up and dismantled everything, ate my plants (long story) :( and am now (hopfully) safe from all charges, although i'm certain they will be back today. All they'll be able to get me with is a seed purchase, in which "i did not recieve."

it's sad how curropted this society is, where the government locks away marijuana users, yet wants you to consume one of the most deadly substances know (alcohol.) that said, i will only say this once again...

Do not order!!!

*** warning *** warning ***


New Member
Paranoid much? :eyesmoke:

Did they pay any special attention to your house? Better safe than sorry, but unless there is more to this story I think you may have overreacted.

You know your situation better than I do. At least you know you are safe from prosecution.

Good luck.
Paranoid much? :eyesmoke:

Did they pay any special attention to your house? Better safe than sorry, but unless there is more to this story I think you may have overreacted.

You know your situation better than I do. At least you know you are safe from prosecution.

Good luck.
No. I wasn’t paranoid, but rather preventing a catastrophe. Today I cleaned up the remains of anything and everything that could be used against me, freeing myself from any type of prosecution. I figured that if they plan to "raid" my location anyways, I might as well get the situation cleared up as soon as possible, and thus inquired about my late-night visit. I DID END UP BEING CORRECT. The online seed sale directed them to an investigation. Hearing this, I voluntarily allow them to search the house, showing I had nothing to hide, and they did just that. They found nothing, and I indicated that I DID make a seed purchase online, unaware that cannabis seeds are illegal to possess. I did so for curiosity. I did not, however, ever receive the seeds. They left me with a warning, “set me straight” on the law, and ended up apologising for the incident.


These things can happen to anyone, and I advise everyone to take action at the first arousals of suspicion. It could save your ass, as it did mine. Good luck, and happy growing.


Active Member
that really does not make much sense, I'm not calling you a liar but as far as I know seeds are not illegal to buy in Canada.
seed banks go out of their way to make sure you know that seeds are ILLEGAL to buy in the US, but they never say a thing about Canada. And I've never heard about this kind of thing happening with any other bank before so, maybe you are right and they have gotten in trouble or something and the site IS being watched. I would call what happened to you a violation of your personal rights though. yes even in Canada. But now I will think twice about ordering from them and thanks for the information.


New Member
No. I wasn’t paranoid, but rather preventing a catastrophe. Today I cleaned up the remains of anything and everything that could be used against me, freeing myself from any type of prosecution. I figured that if they plan to "raid" my location anyways, I might as well get the situation cleared up as soon as possible, and thus inquired about my late-night visit. I DID END UP BEING CORRECT. The online seed sale directed them to an investigation. Hearing this, I voluntarily allow them to search the house, showing I had nothing to hide, and they did just that. They found nothing, and I indicated that I DID make a seed purchase online, unaware that cannabis seeds are illegal to possess. I did so for curiosity. I did not, however, ever receive the seeds. They left me with a warning, “set me straight” on the law, and ended up apologising for the incident.


These things can happen to anyone, and I advise everyone to take action at the first arousals of suspicion. It could save your ass, as it did mine. Good luck, and happy growing.
The cops told you that they got your info from the seed company? If that's the case, congratulations on having some good instincts. Glad they didn't get anything on you.

Scary stuff.
that really does not make much sense, I'm not calling you a liar but as far as I know seeds are not illegal to buy in Canada.
seed banks go out of their way to make sure you know that seeds are ILLEGAL to buy in the US, but they never say a thing about Canada. And I've never heard about this kind of thing happening with any other bank before so, maybe you are right and they have gotten in trouble or something and the site IS being watched. I would call what happened to you a violation of your personal rights though. yes even in Canada. But now I will think twice about ordering from them and thanks for the information.
TRUST ME, I wouldn't make this up. And they got the information from the credit card company. The way they were stealthing was by putting "" on the credit card statement. This is fine, but isn't very stealthy if the cops know what to look for.

I'm still on edge about this whole inscident. And now all my babies are gone :( they were so beautiful!!! :(:( i'm just going to go to a friends house and smoke a few bowls and forget about this. And i'm not saying don't order from them.. just take extra precautions... maybe use a different address, and pay in a way that is non-traceable. they do ship rather fast, and they have good seeds.. BEWARE OF USING CREDIT CARDS THOUGH.
that really does not make much sense, I'm not calling you a liar but as far as I know seeds are not illegal to buy in Canada.
seed banks go out of their way to make sure you know that seeds are ILLEGAL to buy in the US, but they never say a thing about Canada. And I've never heard about this kind of thing happening with any other bank before so, maybe you are right and they have gotten in trouble or something and the site IS being watched. I would call what happened to you a violation of your personal rights though. yes even in Canada. But now I will think twice about ordering from them and thanks for the information.
Seeds are apparently illegle in Canada, it's just a law that isn't inforced. They weren't worried about the seeds themselves, they were trying to nail me for GROWING the seeds...

be careful.
The cops told you that they got your info from the seed company? If that's the case, congratulations on having some good instincts. Glad they didn't get anything on you.

Scary stuff.

They made a comment about myself making a credit card purchase. I guess the company hasen't been appreheanded... they just know what to look for on the statment...

I would strongly advise you to stay away from using credit cards.. once you start a crop, perhaps clone it (forever if possible). Every seed purchase you make is a risk.


Active Member
well that clears things up for me a bit, it probably had everything to do with the fact you used a credit card and because of the statement they put on your bill, if I order from here I WILL be using CASH so this sort of thing shouldn't happen right??
I knew you weren't lying or anything I was just kind of startled by the response you got from the police, I would be paranoid too.