roots growing out of rockwool. transplant??????


i am using 6" cubes to veg. i was told that the roots coming out the bottom is fine and not to worry about it. well, im worrying about it cause when i woke up this mornign most all the leaves on my girls were drooping and its got me tripping. should i transplant to soil? is this even the problem? pics below.


Well-Known Member
Im assuming you are using a hood over the clones. If you think they need water, dont water the cubes directly, pour water into the bottom of the tray and let it soak up into the cubes. NOt too much, just a little. Also, spray the inside of the hood with a spray bottle to mist it, this will increase humidity in the dome/tray. They look nice and healthy, hope these ideas help you out a little...


Active Member
get those babies in soil you got roots the air will make them dry and fall off or make sure you keep the roots covered in water


get those babies in soil you got roots the air will make them dry and fall off or make sure you keep the roots covered in water[/QUOT

how do i put them in soil? do i wet soil then make a space for cube, put cube in and cover up? what else?


Well-Known Member
get a pot, 2-5 gallons depending on how big your garden is (grow area, lights, etc), and fill with dirt of your choosing. put your hands together and stick them in the dirt then spread them apart, making a little hole in the center of the dirt. or cup your hand and dig out a hole. Then drop the cube in, about 1 inch, give or take, below the top of the soil, then bury it in there and press the dirt in around it, and give it a good watering, then leave it. Hopefully, your plants will make the transition. It helps, if you are using a hood, to leave the hood off the tray for an hour or so each day for a couple days before you transplant, to let the sprouts 'harden up'. You can probably find all this info if you just google 'transplanting clones/sprouts'...