how low can you go?


Well-Known Member
hellz yeah.. you may have me beat in size, but with you and i both kow that we grow with ALL of our hearts and's like we treat our plants as an extension of ourselves... which is good... it means we give our plants EVERY bit of TLC humanly possible... well, i would write and say more, but i really need to look into the revegging thing you were talking about on my thread... it seems like a righteous theory, and may just be perfect method for my grows...


Well-Known Member
well micro.grower, i may be a little too low on size, this is all unexplored territory

so the state of 2 plants, bot are OK but not great

the nl#5 clone has some nice healthy upper growth, but the lower set of fans are beginning to yellow
not sure if this unusual for a clone since it's my 1st

and the jock horror, she really is growing slow, been a strange seedling from the start
the color just isn't that dark green i'm used to, and i think i see a tiny bit of brown tip on the newest leaves
kind of smells like she's a little short nitrogen, but soil mix is the same i used in my last grow with very good results
so i'm brewing some molasses/alfalfa tea, but that takes a few days



Active Member
You need at least a 42 watt bulb in there. That thing will barely get you a month of vegging even if you put it right on top of the plant properly.


Well-Known Member
You need at least a 42 watt bulb in there. That thing will barely get you a month of vegging even if you put it right on top of the plant properly.
a fair point, i'm not sure how far this will go as is
my veg will probably be 2 weeks or so, this is micro all the way
i believe you can get good bud if it's within 3 inches of the cfl
and the bud will be within 3 inches, there's no room for it to be farther away
so this is my 1st result with just 78w of cfl, same bulb types



Well-Known Member
so 1st the nl#5 clone, a yellow lower fan leaf and nice dark green upper leaves
the yellow leaf is pretty much flush to the soil, so not too surprised to see it go
i'm keeping the plant about 5 inches away from the bulb, that is a bit far for a cfl
but i don't see any stretch in the top, thinking the root ball is still growing so don't want to overtax the plant yet
also she's in a bit of a ghetto pot, used a distilled water jug for pot
couldn't find a regular pot with the dimensions i wanted, so getting a free gallon of distilled

and the jock horror, what an odd little plant
if i saw this in the 'wild', i probably wouldn't recognize it as weed
the leaves are on the round side, light green(compared to most plants i've seen), and the leaves have a 'ridged texture'
and she is growing so slow, let's hope she's worth the trouble



Well-Known Member
so things could be better, could be worse too

the nl#5 clone that i chose to grow out is putting along, low and slow
i do believe i understand why - kept the 1st clone which looked like it
was going to die - just left it out in ambient light in the room
didn't really get much direct light and didn't get any water
that clone suddenly started to grow - must be the rooting takes one
hell of a time without rooting compound - so here's the 1st clone

now the jock horror - this plant is having problems
i noticed a tinge of yellow about 5 days ago, right after my last pics
looks like nitrogen deficiency, but the soil mix worked so well for nl#5
it's 1 tbsp dolomite and 1 tbps MG bone meal per gallon of MG Organic Garden soil
MG bone meal is 6-9-0, it has a good amount of nitrogen
i had a molasses/alfalfa tea ready to go, and hit her with it 2 days ago
didn't seem to help, next guess maybe ph, ph is near to 6, too low for jock?
today i mixed in 1 tbps of wood ash in the tea, hoping but scared
the other clone has been tossed in with the jock, shows color comparison



Well-Known Member
thanks for the good thoughts, i'm needing all the good feeling to kick things up here
though i think the 1 clone i gave up on is beginning to grow strong

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hey growone..droppin in...I hope that your clone will grow strong and maybe that seedling will perk up too...things look so slow, but once they get going, they are going to explode..or not, if you dont add some lights...i would say if ya can, then fit 2 more bulbs in and still do a micro grow..but, its up to you...

Best of luck do you my friend....:peace:


Well-Known Member
growspace, great to have to drop by!
it's been a slow struggle with this setup, but seeing some progress this morning, pics later
setup will change if things go bad, i think the basic idea is sound, but if problems appear, well my grow tube can be setup again
only reason i went this way is i got too damn much last time! thing about NY there is a 2 oz threshold for growing, less than that and it's pretty small change, safety first!


Well-Known Member
this grow has really turned into an endurance contest
just got to keep the positive in mind, if it ends well, the ugly start will be forgotten

so the clones, my 'discarded clone' is my best clone, at least at the moment
i pushed my other clone up close to the light, it's yellowing the lower fans
but the top growth is going ok, likely the rooting is still in progress

and the jock horror, the ph adjustment may have helped a bit
a little bit of a growth spurt, and the color improved slightly
but i'm seeing some blues and green at the leaf tips
blue isn't good as rule, implies phosphorus def.



Well-Known Member
no question, this grow has made me pay my dues
but on the bright side, 2 clones are beginning to grow more every day
took a long time to root those clones, but it's pretty cool to have known femmes
still bit ratty looking, but beautiful to me

and the jock horror, can't put a positive spin on this one, just plain sucks
so i twisted up the ph on the nute solution quite a bit more
from my drops, looks to be a 6.4 ph now
the nl#5 had no problems with the 6.0 ph, nl#5 is indeed the beginner's strain?



Active Member
Damn man, where you finding the patience? I had a stoned idea of using a discarded cpu case too. Must be something in the water giving us visions! Glad you got this one going, makes my trial and tons of error less. Do you think the lack of light is making this grow take so long? Im going to have to get to researching, perhaps an herb cpu case for my girl-friend's basil,thyme, ect.... will put it to use until i go small myself :) Definately keep us posted. If this works, you'll have to hook up a 2aa flashlight and test that!


Well-Known Member
Damn man, where you finding the patience? I had a stoned idea of using a discarded cpu case too. Must be something in the water giving us visions! Glad you got this one going, makes my trial and tons of error less. Do you think the lack of light is making this grow take so long? Im going to have to get to researching, perhaps an herb cpu case for my girl-friend's basil,thyme, ect.... will put it to use until i go small myself :) Definately keep us posted. If this works, you'll have to hook up a 2aa flashlight and test that!
yeah, patience is good thing to have to grow with
but i didn't think it would be this long
i'm no expert on cloning, just popped cuttings right into the dirt
some strains can take a long time to root, i wanted this femme, she was too good to let go of
i don't think it's a light issue(yet), each cfl gives a 'cone' of light that will grow fine weed
it's the next stage that's the tough part
and i have a new setup, be starting a new thread soon, still micro with a single 26w cfl


Well-Known Member
hey hope all turns out well for you, im really wanting to start a pc tower grow, and i think i might start one this weekend !!!!


Well-Known Member
hey hope all turns out well for you, im really wanting to start a pc tower grow, and i think i might start one this weekend !!!!
thanks for look tamjam, i'm working my issues hard

which brings me to the current deal, i think i've figured out the big problem, i've been starving my plants, at least for the last 2 weeks or so

so here's my 'best clone', looking pretty good, better than the others anyways, the top leaf that looks yellow is mostly a reflection issue from the light

and here's the sad jock horror, and the other clone

what has happened is i've been using a soil with a bit of nute, but not too much

after 50 days, there is not much nute left in the soil, the clone in the pic above finally 'kicked me in the head' on this

my 1st grow was in a 2 gallon pot from start to finish, the micro setup just isn't the same

so i've started feeding as fast as i can, i brew my own nutes, so there is a delay, i'm hoping to improve things soon
hi man thanks for posting on my newb gro. im just wonderering if you could help me wire my lights up for my pc case? i live in uk tho so im not sure if its gonna be the same as us.


Well-Known Member
another day in micro grow land - so far, this has been tough
positive thing is best clone is beginning to add some green bulk
but she coming in on the yellow side on the top, though those leaves seem to green up after a bit
it looks like the larger the pot, the better, at least in the current setup
which kind of points to lack of nutes as the source of my grief

anyways, been feeding them more with bone meal / alfalfa teas



Well-Known Member
a big step taken, at least for me, started LSTing the bigger clone
was really worried i'd damage it, but things seem to have worked
all plants are adding green, feeding seems to have been the missing part
my soil mix must have been awfully low on nutes
didn't hurt me much when i used used a 2 gallon container, but these little guys really felt the pain
so i was gentle, not much of a bend, post the other plant pics later


Active Member
Looking good man. I was just browsing over some old pc cases i got-cuz of you-:bigjoint:

I wouldnt worry about the LST hurting them. I'm no pro either, but i LST'd the shit outta mine at ALL stages from 2" and up thru flower and back. Everything BUT the lst seemed to hurt them. Im gna LST most mine from now on, they seem to love it!

Well, time to read back thru your 6 pages and see how youve got the temps and such monitored. thanks for keeping us posted!;-)