is there such a drug?

ive heard people talking about a drug that induces hardcore visuals, but with no perceptual being sober, but seeing through tripping eyes

is there such a drug?


Well-Known Member
That would be amazing maybe some type of synthetic LSD or home grown shroomies? Idk tho

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Look in a kaleidoscope. Other than that, you'll never see shit and be sober at the same time. [As far as I know.]

And I know I'm not, but I consider myself moderately well experienced with drugs and I'm able to spout off a lot of information from my experiences... Though I am the #1 knowledgeable guy across this whole damn college... I'm nowhere near some of the guys on this site, and elsewhere on the Internet... though I never really explored too much into research chemicals though, and that's probably where you'll find it, if you ever do.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Dude, look into a kaleidoscope while your awareness is altered!! AWESOME.
I thought about it for a long time and was getting ready to buy one off eBay when I was on acid recently, but my debit card was denied by Paypal. I had insufficient funds. All the good toys of my youth are unavailable.

Which leads me totally off topic, this is the part where most people should quit reading this post. NES. The Nintendo Entertainment System. I have found only one store which still deals in this system, and it's not a chain. Here in [college town] in the mall there's a store called Game Co. They [no joke] seriously wanted 19.99 for a copy of Super Mario Brothers 3. I laughed in their face. I asked them what they would pay for a copy. And they said $12 for used in working condition. So I bought a copy off eBay that was brand new in box for $12 delivered. They paid me $18 cash or $24.35 store credit. So I took the 18. They put that copy of Mario 3 on sale for $34.99. It has since been sold. Quit being idiots people!

It's probably the fag kids with mom and dad's money that bought that. NES, I like it a lot.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Why would somebody stop reading! Thats the way to make alot of money! I'm going to sell alot of games that I buy of Ebay to my local video game merchant.....
Make sure to ask first. They usually pay piss poor prices. You can sell off a whole collection of rare and priceless games to just get the new Xbox game, which I've seen kids do. I caught a kid running into Gamestop with a stack of games and I had $40 on me, and outbid the cashier on each game, and ended up buying all the kid's games right there in the store. [Standing at the cash register, butting into the cashier's jabbering "I can give you $2 cash for this, or $4 store credit..." me following with $5 cash, and the kid taking my offer... I'm not welcome back into the local Gamestop because of this.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Might not be courteous to cockblock them in a manner of speaking but it was very kind to save the kid a few extra bucks.
The transaction was also for my own benefit. I'm not going to let the kid sell his used games to Gamestop and buy the same copy for Gamestop's 200% [often more] profit. It was obvious the kid didn't have a job, as he was about 10-12 years, but it looked like he needed the money to buy cigarettes or whatever kids buy.

I hate Gamestop. I'm not a nerd, and I'n not an expert, but when I go into a videogame store, I want to see a nerd behind the counter. Gamestop employs people who had a Playstation at one point in their life and they are 'totally knowledgeable' about videogames. Nobody knows the value of anything, but then again different people will pay a different number of dollars for different things. Such as a $35 video game from 1989 and earlier, thinking it's rare because it's old. Fucking people. I hate the fact that society nurtures idiots.