have you ever tried to buy tabs online??


Active Member
have you ever tried to buy tabs online??
if so where you able to recieve them?
i have heard of people doing this but i dont think its really possible. if it is i would like to check it out for myself


Well-Known Member
I bought some Dimethocaine online once, and it arrived no problem. Ive heard of people being able too order ketamine from whole sellers in china. So anything is possible i guess.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
It depends on what state your in .Im in TN, and they have stopped it.North Carolina still has docters on line writing pain pills(they have to filled in NC..In 2000 you could get percs brought to your front door for about a dollar a piece.I know a site that has 10 mg oxys and Ive got them a couple of times.Tabs should be no problem depending on where you live......peace


Active Member
I believe he is talking about hydrocodone. And no I would never order online and I wouldn't trust it anyways..Boo on anything other then green is how I feel! bongsmilie

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Who you calling a junkie ,my back is fucked up and Ive also beat cancer twice so watch who your calling a junkie


Active Member
lmmfao guys i feel ya on this bout the doctor but bro i am a large guy with a high tollerance for pain and my doctor will not give me enough i am constantly hurting due to an old motorcycle wreck and am ijust lookin for somewhere online to supplement my perscription.

mr therepy man would it be possible for you to pass me the name of the site you used via pm if you dont want to post it here

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Not all doctors like to even write pain pills let alone increases.Im on 40 mg oxycontin 3 times a day and perc 10 mg 4 times daily for breakthrough pain.It feels like Ive got a shank in my back and a hot poker rammed up my ass.Nobody wants to take pills but when you get sick enough you will.


Well-Known Member
if your talkin bout lori's i havent gotten them exactly but i do get bars and valuum tens from an indian pharmacy. i send them money orders so they are not really related to any trafficking an it takes a month occassionally two to get to the east coast... i wish i could remeber the forum but they review all the oerseas pharmacies and reccommend site. i thoroughly trust these guys too. ill get at my buddy cuz im too blitzed to remember the site right now but ill drop the link a lil later


Well-Known Member
I believe he is talking about hydrocodone. And no I would never order online and I wouldn't trust it anyways..Boo on anything other then green is how I feel! bongsmilie
yay to anything that makes me feel GREAT. all it takes is restraint to not become a head. and IMO you drinking that six pack on saturday is as bad as my couple of valuums on sunday


New Member
I used to have a good friend who ordered stuff online all the time.

I believe once he had to click a check box that he had a prescription.

Soma was the drug that was legally dispensed via FedEx.

Nasty, nasty tranquilizer.

He ran out of his doctor's script, so just ordered more online.


New Member
Carisoprodol is as easy to order online without a prescription as it is for underage shits to live here inside the Pillars of RIU.

One difference is that IT is exceedingly nasty and easily kills you with a single misused prescription.


Well-Known Member
Pills are nasty if you needed more the Doctor would give them to you.

The effect I see that pain killers and other addictive, opiate based pills have on past friends, have helped me understand that these things are the scourge of modern America... the money people pay for them help huge pharmaceuticals and they become addicted to them for months, years, their whole life because "my back hurts"... or some other excuse they always use. I'm sorry, but if you're back is hurting for years, obviously the medicine isn't helping and is just covering up something. The worst ones are the ones who do these pills for "fun"... those kind disgust me.

For those of you on pills, get help from an opiate addiction counselor or something... or ask your doctor how to more quickly move on to different, less damaging medicines.