First Grow, Need a pro.


Active Member
First grow, Dedcided to go with cfl's.

Plants are some reg bagseed.

Soil is Miracle Grow - moisture control

3 - 42watt CFL (2,700 lumens each)
2 - 7watt CFL (800 lumens each)

Total of:
140 Watts
9700 lumens

I have a air intake at the bottom and a fan & outlet at the top.

Walls are painted with highly reflective roof paint.

I dont have a hood yet, do i need one?
Temp stays at about 90 degrees is this too hot?



New Member
everything looks pretty descent for what lil money was spent. lol 90 is high but sumtimes mine reach that high and really hasnt effected plants too much so as long as theyre not showing heat stress your good. i would def try and get the heat down though cause this could cause problems later on when plants get bigger. hood not really just get reflective tape and put it on the roof of you box and youll be good to go! great stealth grow bro!!


Active Member
Thanks.. Yea my room seems to be the hottest part of this house.. But soon it will be really nice outside, FL is beautiful in winter. Anyway the box wasnt the best choice but its hella stealth. It took a entire day to build and paint. Its completely light proof thanks to some weather stripping and the fan is pretty quite too.

Can anyone recommend some ways to keep these plants underbay and not outgrow this box? I remember something about tying down the plant or something?

Danky Dank

Active Member
Thanks.. Yea my room seems to be the hottest part of this house.. But soon it will be really nice outside, FL is beautiful in winter. Anyway the box wasnt the best choice but its hella stealth. It took a entire day to build and paint. Its completely light proof thanks to some weather stripping and the fan is pretty quite too.

Can anyone recommend some ways to keep these plants underbay and not outgrow this box? I remember something about tying down the plant or something?
What your talking about is called LST (Low Stress Training). If your concerned about saving space you should research this.


Yeah I agree with Danky, you'll have to use LST to keep them manageable in the space that you have. Might want to consider using distilled water or spring water and figure out what nutes you'll be using later when they're more mature. Good luck!


Looking good. I highly recommend going with some better soil next time, though. I'm doing my first indoor grow now and started one plant in Miracle Gro and one in Fox Farms' Happy Frog... and wow... I actually started several in the MG and then learned about the FFHF. So I had 2 plants started for several weeks in the MG, but when the FFHF sprouted, I literally thought it was a mutant giant of some sort. Of course, that notion went away when ALL the plants started in the FFHF grew like that. I was sold. Just check out their website for a local garden shop which carries their stuff. I promise you won't be disappointed... from one noob to another :)

Pics in this thread to see the difference... Purple #1 is in the MG and Purples #3 & #4 in the FFHF.


Active Member
Definitely research LST methods and topping your plants. Topping will in most cases help control your height and make the plants more of a bush than a tall plant. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man. Looks like you got some red spec lights, those r better for flowering. Go to home depot or lowes and find daylight bulbs (they are much bluer and are a noticeable difference to the red ones because I have a mix in my cab with one seedling under a blue and one under the red) and you can put the soft white ones back up when u flower.


Active Member
I only grabbed these too.. I have 4 more outside, one inside and about 40 seeds germinating. Ill be planting them outdoors from seedling.



No, but awesome camera...

You can't tell a male from a female until they start to preflower and indicate their sex. However, I have noticed that when I plant seeds of the same strain, the females start slower than the males... not in coming up, but in actual growth. I've read that this may be due to the male wanting to grow as fast as possible as quickly as possible, so he can nut and die, while the female is building its root system much more to survive the longer life cycle and more intense nutrient needs.... And I've found this to be true... females appear at first to be smaller and less robust... and this is really very slight and only between plants of the same strain (and maybe not even then, as I haven't done it enough to be scientifically reliable data points). Just a hypothesis that has never been proven false... :)