yeah i was just thinking shit why doesnt he just go to the slang/vocab list. The more he typed the more my house smelled like bacon. Whats a dime, its 10 cents, it has Roosevelt's face on it. A zips, well i have heard that as a racial slur against asians. To flat out ask where could it find marijuana in san antonio, you would be dumb as shit to go there and not expect to get arrested. If your friends are smokers and you dont want them to know you are a poser, tell them you have a fucking drug test and you can smoke for 2 weeks then after your fake drug test you can go spark up with them and blame your shitty tolerance on that 2 week brake you were on.
irish is right getting high by yourself not as much fun as with friends.
go rent the movie Half Baked, up in smoke, nice dreams... they will also answer your questions.
All else you are asking questions in a place where people are suspicious about things that could get them busted. Most of your questions could be easily answered if you just read a little bit.
Good luck on getting high