?(mom)? where are my keys for my grow room?

hey dude you need to grow up you say ur 18 hmmmmm sounds like 8 years to me, if you were my kid you would have been on the streets b4 you were 18, hope your moms haveing a good smoke on your plants dude, i can just see her now smokein your weed with yer best pals and gettin frisky hmmmmmmmm sounds good
wasnt temper tantrum LOL i was fucked up on speed im fucked up right now i forgot to type it in there when your on fucking 200mg of ritalin man thats your immidiate action is "wat????! BOOM" and i was looking for my keys in my basement because i thought i droped them and cut my wrist on broken glass suck my dick cock goblin u know thats what ur after on my board

You are a little punk bitch vagina blood fart. Get some help you little punk:finger: