People who cant hold their weed.

  • Thread starter hempcurescancer
  • Start date


Has anyone on here ever had any buddies or been around someone that really cant hold their weed and act really stupid when they're high? To me its funny, but kind of annoying too. Once, me and a few of my buddies got together to smoke like always, and someone brought over this one kid that seemed cool, but once we smoked he was just stupid. We couldnt even get him to hit cuz he was laughing so hard, we tried for like ten min, just cuz me and my buds dont like to make people miss out on hits unless they really did something to piss us off. He got skipped anyway. I later found out that when that dude came down he would start talking about suicide. wtf.

Some people just shouldnt smoke.


Active Member
man thats the worst buzz kill ever i know. The night before halloween we were chillin, then I took a ride up to McDonalds. I'm in the back seat with this kid who is known for getting too fucked up off small amounts of anything cause he's a pussy ass bitch(normally i'm not this negative but this was bad) so he's fine for half the trip then he starts dozin off and leaning all on me and whichever way the car turns and I tell him to gtfo of me. he wakes up for almost the rest of the ride untill we get to mcky d's. he looks passed out then this kid starts rocking back and forth slowly starting to get faster untill he is finally having what looked like a miny seizure. I start to full on yell at him, "J*****, what the fuck are you doing. chill the fuck out man... what the FUCK." I'm more pissed than concerned because he always does dumb shit like that. finally he quits and wakes up perfectly normal like "dude im gonna die, i thought i was gonna die." I just ignored him the rest of the night. this dumb fuck always messes up a good time, i hate that shit

haha i just re read my post and i think it was a had to be there thing, w/e


so how r people supposed to act when they smoke?
well imo, not like fuckin idiots. its people who act really dumb when they're high that give actual intelligent potheads a bad name. i.e.-cheech and chong.

newsflash people, tommy chong was acting. its what he does. He's not actually as stupid as he is in his movies, but he still smokes.

Anyone get what I'm sayin?


man thats the worst buzz kill ever i know. The night before halloween we were chillin, then I took a ride up to McDonalds. I'm in the back seat with this kid who is known for getting too fucked up off small amounts of anything cause he's a pussy ass bitch(normally i'm not this negative but this was bad) so he's fine for half the trip then he starts dozin off and leaning all on me and whichever way the car turns and I tell him to gtfo of me. he wakes up for almost the rest of the ride untill we get to mcky d's. he looks passed out then this kid starts rocking back and forth slowly starting to get faster untill he is finally having what looked like a miny seizure. I start to full on yell at him, "J*****, what the fuck are you doing. chill the fuck out man... what the FUCK." I'm more pissed than concerned because he always does dumb shit like that. finally he quits and wakes up perfectly normal like "dude im gonna die, i thought i was gonna die." I just ignored him the rest of the night. this dumb fuck always messes up a good time, i hate that shit

haha i just re read my post and i think it was a had to be there thing, w/e
yea I dont have a tolerance for shit like that

I've literally never been around someone who couldn't handle their weed. (LOL that sounds stupid.)
Of course I've personally got paranoid on weed but it's never really affected anybody besides myself.



I've literally never been around someone who couldn't handle their weed. (LOL that sounds stupid.)
Of course I've personally got paranoid on weed but it's never really affected anybody besides myself.
consider yourself lucky. I'd rather be around a republican than that kid again.


Well-Known Member
I know many stupid people who act completely retarded (like theyre drunk or something) when they get high. Then they get "weed hangovers" in the morning :wall:. Stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Or sometimes theyre still high when they wake up,:dunce:.

I do not smoke around these people after I found out their behavior.


Active Member
it usually happens when someone outside the normal circle of friends or outside the smoking circle come in and just isn't used to it i guess. I have had a friend (standing up)blow chunks on and in his toilet after smoking 3 joints and a bowl between three people. i mean i was real stoned as well but still:wall:


I know many stupid people who act completely retarded (like theyre drunk or something) when they get high. Then they get "weed hangovers" in the morning :wall:. Stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Or sometimes theyre still high when they wake up,:dunce:.

I do not smoke around these people after I found out their behavior.
weed hangovers are such bull. the most ive ever gotten is like a headache or a sore throat.


yep this is the type of stuff that happens when you smoke with 15-16 year olds.:dunce:
or just people who dont smoke very much the dude might have been the same age as me and he def didnt look 16 maybe 17 or 18

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
One story. Here at college, I met these dudes in a gen ed class, and told them to come by. They are always talking about the 'dank nugs' that they get, and how I never would get high like them. Now, I'm on probation, so I can't smoke too much at all.

This one guy C, he broke one of [4] closet doors that are sliding along a track that fall off when you fuck with them and they are quite hard to get back on. He broke one side, then broke the other while I fixed the original, then broke the original one while I fixed door number 2. Then he proceeded to accept my offer of Ramen noodles, and punched the package, spraying noodles all over my dorm.

Now the guy who came with him "K", just said a lot of retarded shit and could barely stay awake.

This is some K-Town bud. It's high mids. These kids were plain retarded. They haven't been welcomed back. And they were too high to drink more than 2 beers a piece and I just drank their beer, sat back, and watched them be idiots for the rest of the night.

What fags.


One story. Here at college, I met these dudes in a gen ed class, and told them to come by. They are always talking about the 'dank nugs' that they get, and how I never would get high like them. Now, I'm on probation, so I can't smoke too much at all.

This one guy C, he broke one of [4] closet doors that are sliding along a track that fall off when you fuck with them and they are quite hard to get back on. He broke one side, then broke the other while I fixed the original, then broke the original one while I fixed door number 2. Then he proceeded to accept my offer of Ramen noodles, and punched the package, spraying noodles all over my dorm.

Now the guy who came with him "K", just said a lot of retarded shit and could barely stay awake.

This is some K-Town bud. It's high mids. These kids were plain retarded. They haven't been welcomed back. And they were too high to drink more than 2 beers a piece and I just drank their beer, sat back, and watched them be idiots for the rest of the night.

What fags.
well i guess their "dank nugs" that youll "never get" turned them into fucking idiots. Really how do people live down shit like that?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
did I hurt your little feelings? lol jk, was it the republican thing? cuz ive never heard of somebody supporting them..
Well, look at B.O. who would continue to support a democrat[lazy-ass socialist]? Of course, he's doing shit for legalization, but if that's the only thing you look for in a president is weed-friendly, then... maybe you need to get out of the tunnel-vision.

IF you are easily offended, consider this the end of the post.

I'll just say that I'm old-fashioned more or less. Of course, I love drugs, but abortion and fags? Start your own country to do that shit in, so our Republican president can drop an A-bomb on your wide assholes and dead baby piles. I want my guns, I want the govt. out of my life, and I don't want to see 2 dudes fucking over a dumpster full of aborted babies.