People who cant hold their weed.

  • Thread starter hempcurescancer
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Active Member
what about if your too quiet. i find myself not knowing what to say for the fear of sounding fucking retarded so i usually don't talk when i'm high
It seems like some strains make me talk my ass of and some make me shut the hell up and some do neither. Maybe its an indica vs sativa thing. I do catch myself saying dumb shit too sometimes but just be yourself man... i've found thats the best thing to do, embrace the herb:leaf:


Well at least you can't prevent people from being gay ;-)
on a similar note, dude did you know gay people preaching that they were born that way were actually right? I figured they were, but its becoming more scientifically clear.

I dont know much about it, but i think it has something to do with a fetus that was gonna be one sex suddenly changing and instead developing the other sex's organs and becoming the other sex, but some of the characteristics (i.e. who your attracted to) linger around in that person.

Am I making any sense?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
exactly. we need to stand up to the fucking corrupt rich people in power. jfk should have lived, and ron paul should have won. its about time this country gets fixed. what happened to we the people?

seriously, we really moved this thread in another direction
You know how in the 'truly horrible' countries, there are many militants and groups who are trying to overthrow the government and succeed?

This will happen [or need to happen] in USA within 20 years. Start collecting automatic guns and training in their usage now.

I vote, for a new government, who will follow the Constitution, a police force who is there to help.

One of many points: Jails are eliminated. If the offense is great enough, you die. If the offense is minor, you get rehabilitation [but not rehabilitation 'Idiocracy-style'].


It seems like some strains make me talk my ass of and some make me shut the hell up and some do neither. Maybe its an indica vs sativa thing. I do catch myself saying dumb shit too sometimes but just be yourself man... i've found thats the best thing to do, embrace the herb:leaf:
being with the right people will help with the being yourself, some people that smoke are just straight up douchebags.

My friend was tellin me that he took his buddy to smoke with some other dude, and the other dude just spent the whole time baggin on his friend, callin him a fag and shit, and he didnt even do anything.

I fuckin hate people like that, they dont deserve the herb :leaf: IMO


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I get a little cinical while smoking, I just stay quiet and start thinking that what everyone says is to brag or show off..

The sad thing is when I say something I think "omg everyone must be thinking im a bitch bragging about everything" :-( lol

But that hasn't happened in months so I think im past that shit..


You know how in the 'truly horrible' countries, there are many militants and groups who are trying to overthrow the government and succeed?

This will happen [or need to happen] in USA within 20 years. Start collecting automatic guns and training in their usage now.

I vote, for a new government, who will follow the Constitution, a police force who is there to help.

One of many points: Jails are eliminated. If the offense is great enough, you die. If the offense is minor, you get rehabilitation [but not rehabilitation 'Idiocracy-style'].
lmfao at the idiocracy reference. but your completely right. We should also probably be happy we dont live in like, Russia.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I get a little cinical while smoking, I just stay quiet and start thinking that what everyone says is to brag or show off..

The sad thing is when I say something I think "omg everyone must be thinking im a bitch bragging about everything" :-( lol

But that hasn't happened in months so I think im past that shit..
On acid, I always start thinking everyone else is an idiot and they all think I'm an idiot. I totally start to withdraw from the situation but then I become interested in the visual off somewhere and forget about it, then describe the visual to my fellow trippers, who then try to describe it to me...


A fetus that changes sex retains its attraction to the opposite/same sex.
and why should they be hated for it. although there is a certain level of gayness that seems to be on purpose. Personally I cant stand the in your face, jumpin around, barely wearin clothes gay people. I just think they're obnoxious.

But who am I to judge.



"We seem to be experimenting some technormogical differences."
ok dont diss me too bad, I might be wrong on this one..

"Monday night rehab--rehabi--rehabilation--"

"Why you tryin to read that word? You a fag?"



Active Member
Some people should just kill thierselves. lolololololol Make life easier for us sane people, Hey bro pass me sum more of that rat soup. And gays have the right to do what they want, just dont do anything in front of me cause Ill throw up and have to hurt your faggott asses.


On acid, I always start thinking everyone else is an idiot and they all think I'm an idiot. I totally start to withdraw from the situation but then I become interested in the visual off somewhere and forget about it, then describe the visual to my fellow trippers, who then try to describe it to me...
and it goes on for hours :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: