People who cant hold their weed.

  • Thread starter hempcurescancer
  • Start date


Well, look at B.O. who would continue to support a democrat[lazy-ass socialist]? Of course, he's doing shit for legalization, but if that's the only thing you look for in a president is weed-friendly, then... maybe you need to get out of the tunnel-vision.

IF you are easily offended, consider this the end of the post.

I'll just say that I'm old-fashioned more or less. Of course, I love drugs, but abortion and fags? Start your own country to do that shit in, so our Republican president can drop an A-bomb on your wide assholes and dead baby piles. I want my guns, I want the govt. out of my life, and I don't want to see 2 dudes fucking over a dumpster full of aborted babies.
good shit. and I see your point. dem or rep, this country just isnt as good as it used to be. too many damn issues. why cant we all smoke pot and be chill?


Active Member
Im sure we were all "that guy" who couldn't hold his weed at some point or another

for some reason this reminds me of the time I smoked with my ex's friend who never had before. She kept wanting to take hits and saying she wasn't high so I just kept packing until I was eventually like what the fuck i'm blazed i KNOW your high. there was a 5 second silence waiting for her response then she just started to laugh uncontrollably and nod her head. I had never met this girl before about an hour or so later+a little alcohol and her my girlfriend(at the time) and I all ended up getting stripped down and freaky-deeky:hump: haha


for some reason this reminds me of the time I smoked with my ex's friend who never had before. She kept wanting to take hits and saying she wasn't high so I just kept packing until I was eventually like what the fuck i'm blazed i KNOW your high. there was a 5 second silence waiting for her response then she just started to laugh uncontrollably and nod her head. I had never met this girl before about an hour or so later+a little alcohol and her my girlfriend(at the time) and I all ended up getting stripped down and freaky-deeky:hump: haha
weed+booze- the sexmaker :bigjoint:

midnight smoker

Active Member
Well, look at B.O. who would continue to support a democrat[lazy-ass socialist]? Of course, he's doing shit for legalization, but if that's the only thing you look for in a president is weed-friendly, then... maybe you need to get out of the tunnel-vision.

IF you are easily offended, consider this the end of the post.

I'll just say that I'm old-fashioned more or less. Of course, I love drugs, but abortion and fags? Start your own country to do that shit in, so our Republican president can drop an A-bomb on your wide assholes and dead baby piles. I want my guns, I want the govt. out of my life, and I don't want to see 2 dudes fucking over a dumpster full of aborted babies.
Dude people like you gave Bush 8 years to fuck up this country and you wont even give obama 1 year to fix it. and what did bush do for pot. he said it was ok to raid and arrest people who use medical marijuana.


Dude people like you gave Bush 8 years to fuck up this country and you wont even give obama 1 year to fix it. and what did bush do for pot. he said it was ok to raid and arrest people who use medical marijuana.
from this perspective it seems that the point of this argument is that both sides are equally fucked up. I didnt trust bush, and I dont trust obama, although i like what he "did" for medical mj. the truth is obamas a puppet, hes not gonna change anything, unless he gets some balls and stands up to the federal reserve, who controlled bush and is controlling him. Harsh truth.

Anyway, this threads about dumbass high people :dunce:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Dude people like you gave Bush 8 years to fuck up this country and you wont even give obama 1 year to fix it. and what did bush do for pot. he said it was ok to raid and arrest people who use medical marijuana.
Correction - Bush didn't fuck up the country, Obama's doing it now. Outside of MMJ, name one good thing about him.


Well-Known Member
I know a guy like that, but me and my friends are convinced that he really has a lot of problems.. He's too anxious, nervous, paranoid, is always talking, start talking to anyone on the street, trusts in creepy crippled hobos that tell him they're gonna get him some crack only to see the hobo later with a bottle and a smile.. And he's like that sober, the thing is when he smokes he multiplies that shit x10..
He gets a lot more anxious and paranoid, and suggests some weird random homo guy that shows up when we are smoking at the beach at night that he would like a blowjob, and gives the guy back massages..
He talks to himself and do that thing where he starts moving incontrolably while driving his car.. He's obsessed by money and says that he only smoke cigarettes to look cool..
He's actually a friend of my best friend, so he hangs a lot with us, but we know and discuss this guys problems, everytime we go out, cause he always manages to do something to make our night a lot weirder.. Be it telling the cops some guys at the gas station had drugs on them, and getting beat up for saying that, asking us to enter a suspicious car that would take us to a favela to buy crack, or.. nvm I could go and on but I think most of you haven't reached this point in my post -> . Yea he's our friend but hes weird, actually we dont really know why were still hangin with him.. I think its that unpredictable touch he brings to our nights.. :bigjoint::leaf:


Correction - Bush didn't fuck up the country, Obama's doing it now. Outside of MMJ, name one good thing about him.
your close- bush fucked up the country, and obama will help fuck it up more,

well not obama as much as the people controlling him (previously stated)


I know a guy like that, but me and my friends are convinced that he really has a lot of problems.. He's too anxious, nervous, paranoid, is always talking, start talking to anyone on the street, trusts in creepy crippled hobos that tell him they're gonna get him some crack only to see the hobo later with a bottle and a smile.. And he's like that sober, the thing is when he smokes he multiplies that shit x10..
He gets a lot more anxious and paranoid, and suggests some weird random homo guy that shows up when we are smoking at the beach at night that he would like a blowjob, and gives the guy back massages..
He talks to himself and do that thing where he starts moving incontrolably while driving his car.. He's obsessed by money and says that he only smoke cigarettes to look cool..
He's actually a friend of my best friend, so he hangs a lot with us, but we know and discuss this guys problems, everytime we go out, cause he always manages to do something to make our night a lot weirder.. Be it telling the cops some guys at the gas station had drugs on them, and getting beat up for saying that, asking us to enter a suspicious car that would take us to a favela to buy crack, or.. nvm I could go and on but I think most of you haven't reached this point in my post -> . Yea he's our friend but hes weird, actually we dont really know why were still hangin with him.. I think its that unpredictable touch he brings to our nights.. :bigjoint::leaf:
wow he sounds hella crazy. should he be smoking? lol.


Spiderman - dedicated to saving the lives of the defenseless. This includes unborn children.
hah i imagine spiderman like swingin into an abortion clinic on a web and knocking the doctor out xD

the lady's like "wow, thanks spiderman!", sarcastically of course.


Active Member
what about if your too quiet. i find myself not knowing what to say for the fear of sounding fucking retarded so i usually don't talk when i'm high

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
your close- bush fucked up the country, and obama will help fuck it up more,

well not obama as much as the people controlling him (previously stated)
You're right. But Ron Paul wasn't planning on taking any shit. Ron Paul would be doing the country right right now. But had Ron Paul had a chance at winning, he would have died quickly. Same shit happened to JFK. Ron Paul is an honorable man for even attempting to run, and straight up lucky to be alive today.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
hah i imagine spiderman like swingin into an abortion clinic on a web and knocking the doctor out xD

the lady's like "wow, thanks spiderman!", sarcastically of course.
I can imagine Spiderman asking the lady if she's been raped, or has a serious health issue that prevents her from going all the way with this baby. Then punching that bitch out after she answers negatively to both of the previous questions and the doctor has been KO'd.

Babies can be put up for adoption at birth these days. Max 2 weeks taken off work to avoid murder.


Well-Known Member
wow he sounds hella crazy. should he be smoking? lol.
probably not :dunce:, luckily he didn't get to smoke crack, if he did by now he would've already sold his soul to feed that addiction..
he also likes to roll gigantic joints to get a regular high.. after a while we found out that the doesn't inhale the smoke, just sucks to his mouth.. ;P:wall:


what about if your too quiet. i find myself not knowing what to say for the fear of sounding fucking retarded so i usually don't talk when i'm high
I have a buddy like that. Usually if im smokin with a group there will be that one person just kind of not talkin minding there own business. I usually figure they're just nervous, not very social, or blazeddd.

Usually that person doesnt really get noticed, but if they do the kinda people I chill with will usually try to have a conversation with them, they wouldn't like be a dick to him or anything.


You're right. But Ron Paul wasn't planning on taking any shit. Ron Paul would be doing the country right right now. But had Ron Paul had a chance at winning, he would have died quickly. Same shit happened to JFK. Ron Paul is an honorable man for even attempting to run, and straight up lucky to be alive today.
exactly. we need to stand up to the fucking corrupt rich people in power. jfk should have lived, and ron paul should have won. its about time this country gets fixed. what happened to we the people?

seriously, we really moved this thread in another direction