Rnd 2 - 1800w mini-SoG


Well-Known Member
As you can tell, some look great, some look like the one pictured with the problems.

Any input on what problem it might be??

It looks like it has stopped getting worst once I started using tap water. I'm pretty sure it was a cal/mag deficiency.

Anyways, I added some Grandmas Molasses tonight to my watering to give some carbs and extra cal/mag.

I'm going to pick up some BIG BUD and Overdrive tomorrow. Big Bud through weeks 3-4.5, OVERDRIVE for 4.5-6.5, FLUSH weeks 6.5-9

Sound about right??

Thanks in advanced!

PS: You're right Laser lol.



Well-Known Member
Why are the lights so far away from the plants? I mean, you're using air cooled hoods, right?


Well-Known Member
They are far away because I've been looking to get an even spread of light to the sides. The intensity of the light is still awesome. I prefer the hoods a little high rather then a little low because I feel like im losing SQ footage.

Plus I trim off EVERYTHING on the bottom 2/3 of the plant, so its not like the light penetration has to be super strong to get to the bottom nugs.


Well-Known Member
Everything looks good in the pics accept the magnesium def. but tap water will help with that...... just help though, getting some Cal/Mag couldn't hurt, just use in moderation of course.... gotta keep that little world balanced well ;) ...... your lights are well placed, that space between still has some filling in to do..... you got it down :) got it good.... :)

Big P

Well-Known Member
you may wanna just buy a huge refector that way you can put the light closer for intesity and it will spread it across too

you lose lumins exponetially with every foot, i dont like going higher than 1 foot

see this chart:

your losing so much energy each foot its not even funny, a larger reflector will help the spread and you will prolly yield more

Big P

Well-Known Member
they always have those magnum xxxxL. I think Bterz got it down.............

??? you relating to my post?

if so then hes got everything down except his lights are to far away from the plants

you wanna see some xxxxxl

he you go big guy:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hey dude. How far do you think my hoods are away?? They are no more then 16 inches. I dont need light penetration like I mentioned, as I trimmed everything off the lower branches.

Just wondering! Maybe i'll rearrange them tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude. How far do you think my hoods are away?? They are no more then 16 inches. I dont need light penetration like I mentioned, as I trimmed everything off the lower branches.

Just wondering! Maybe i'll rearrange them tonight.
Dude...don't. You've got your system down and your shit came out primo last time. There's no reason to believe you've got a problem. 16 inches away in your space is probably about perfect. It's a wee bit high, but the way your grow them it makes sense. I would say that I don't set the height of my lights by the width of the light spread. I put a thermometer on a stick under the center of the light and I run tests to see how low I can get it and keep the temps acceptable.

Then adjust the hoods or number of lights to get the coverage you need. I would think that with 600w's you could get them down to 12" and still get good light spread.

But like I said, I wouldn't mess up a good thing. Try lowering one of them on the end down and see which end performs better. That way next time it won't be a guessin' game.


Well-Known Member
Ya. I'll check it out tonight and see whats good. Temperature isnt a problem at all for me right now. I can run 3x600 in that room w/o A/C and it doesnt get above 82.

I have much bigger issues at the moment.

I think its a magnesium issue. Half my plants look like shit some are starting to show signs and some look wonderful. I'm never mixing CoCo/Soil again. Sounds retarded and I should have my local HydroShop owner give me a shit ton of free CoCo blocks for the hassle I've been having with his suggestion lol.

I switched from R.O to TAP. Started spraying with Epsom salt @ 1/3 tsp per litre, and 1 tsp per gallon watering into the medium.

Also bought some AN Big Bud which is high in magnesium and potassium so hopefully my buds with gain some girth and my leaves will stop dying on me.


If this "round 2" goes bad "twice" then im gonna be one sad dude.

The good news is I should have some C99xGreenCrack seeds that are almost ready coming shortly.

50 day flowering sativa with the juiciest fattest nugs eva anyone?? Feel free to come smoke :bigjoint:

I just wont have any medium to put them in or nutes to feed them with if I keep up this unsuccessful journey.


Ok im rambling. I smoked some of my buddies outdoor White Widow from Oaksterdam Univ (fuck those guys) and its fricken killer. Makes your head spin.

I'll be back tonight with some bud shots.



Well-Known Member
We just gotta get you to switch over to hydro.

Just put in 3 3x3 tables under those lights and you'll be money. I don't remember how long your room is, but I think 8 feet right? So a couple of trays, on ore two reservoirs depending on what you wanted, one or two water pumps and you'd be in business. Measuring nutrients in PPM, keeping PH in check. Controlling everything so that you can make tweaks and try to keep things under control.

It just seems like it's so easy for me. My room is all set it and forget it. I know my strain now, I know how much to feed, I know how much when and so I just keep things moving along through the process and it's just batch after batch after batch. I have two Grow Journals right now. Seeds are on the way so I can get the next grow vegging and have them ready to flower when these are done.

Plan is to get another tent and veg some more seeds and have them ready to flower 30 days later. And then from there out it's every 30 days for me. Trying to get to a LB every 30 days. That's with 3 x 4x4 tents ideally. I keep getting closer and bangin' out grows to achieve it.

You're doing good with this, but seriously I sometimes don't look at my plants for 4-5 days. My meters are outside the tent so I can see them. Thermometer tells me all the fans are working and everything's okay inside. I don't even think about it sometimes. Just doesn't come up.


Well-Known Member
When you can get hydro to taste comparable to soil, i'll switch things over :D

Until then, i'm gonna just work on dialing in some genetics and maybe consider the switch to CoCo.

Any reason some of my buds are filling in a lot better on some plants?? Some of my healthiest looking plants have the smallest buds.



Well-Known Member
When you can get hydro to taste comparable to soil, i'll switch things over :D

Until then, i'm gonna just work on dialing in some genetics and maybe consider the switch to CoCo.

Any reason some of my buds are filling in a lot better on some plants?? Some of my healthiest looking plants have the smallest buds.

Everyone alway says that...Organic buds taste better, I don't buy it. I don't notice any difference and I've smoked a shit ton of bud. I can't tell what was grown in hydro versus organically. I can't wait to get my second tent, so many side-by-side comparisons I want to do.

Regardless, I don't smoke bud because it tastes good, I do eat Lasagna for that. I smoke to get high.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Everyone alway says that...Organic buds taste better, I don't buy it. I don't notice any difference and I've smoked a shit ton of bud. I can't tell what was grown in hydro versus organically. I can't wait to get my second tent, so many side-by-side comparisons I want to do.

Regardless, I don't smoke bud because it tastes good, I do eat Lasagna for that. I smoke to get high.

ya I call bullshit on that too, bud tastes the same long as its grown & flushed well

I chalk the rest up to snobbyness from the "Granola Crunching Left":bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I will go to hydro once I fully understand it...... SOil is giving me the results Im looking for so I shall stay in my comfort zone..... for now........