State your age.


Well-Known Member
I often get the impression that many people here are quite young. I for one would like to know if I am speaking to a young person or an older one. So please list your age. That way we know what to expect from the person we are talking to.

I am over 40.


Well-Known Member
Adult swims primary Demographic is 18-34

But more importantly I have figured something out with my incredable deductive reasoning!
I learned who Cloud City is!
Hes "Old" and "Black" his name is "Cloud City"
He is Billy D. Williams!
Or should I call you Lando.
Turn any any good friends lately you no integrity having sumbitch!


Well-Known Member
I am 21... just turned 21 in fact. Whoo but i still know my way round a garden!!! haha I prefer to learn by reading rather than experience. not to say that i haven't experienced alot. i dunno im modest cuz i know im young but modesty is not to be mistaken for ignorance... I generally know what i mean an mean what i say... not to say that i dont have my immature get wasted side sometimes i just gotta spew my shit!! haha