what kind of microscope do i need to see the different type of trichomes

what kind of microscope do i need to see the different type of trichomes. i want to get a microscope so i can see the trichomes but i dont want to spend $200 on a 1000x scope and only have to use 100x, u know what i mean. so what level of magnification do i need, 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x, which one


Well-Known Member
man that's a lot of money to spend just to find out something like that....i guess I hear people say they use the jewelers hand held thingamajig.


Well-Known Member
I use a 30x Jewelers loupe myself, was like 7 bucks on ebay. Works well to tell ripness of the bud but not near enough detail to actually do research on the chemicals if thats what you want