

bud bootlegger
sure if you are trying to light up a dark room, these work great, but as for growing, nada.. regular incadesent bulbs are the worst thing for growing weed with.. get yourself some of the biggest watt compact fluoro bulbs that you can get.. the spirally kind.. the more wattage and therefore lumens that you have, the more your plants will love you in return..
don't waste your time trying to grow with that incadesent bulb..

naked gardener

Active Member
Like what an incandescent? For real?

Well, since I would personally use no less than 10x that for a flowering plant, HID, I would equate using a 60w bulb to grow an mj plant to, like, spending months trying to make cereal taste okay with water instead of milk---you CAN try it but WHY would you? it will suck and be very dissatisfying.

They would probably prefer a windowsill to a 60 w incandescent. But really, just get high quality (T-5) flouresecents/cfls...

c'mon..a 60 watt light bulb? They need to photosynthesize...color of light has a direct impact in that....I don't think you'll get that out of a regular ol' bulb...but i'm sure crazier things have happened


Active Member
im just askin no need for rudeness...i am a newbie gettin into this and i am tryin to learn all the rite stuff some pplz bullshit some pplz dont so i like to see what diff pplzx say

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
To sum it up, no, you can't use incandescents for growing unless you like stressed out stretchy plants with low yield. Any HID light,such as an hps or metal halide, for example, must have the proper ballast to screw it into.It won't work in a regular light socket like you'd use for the lights in your house.If you are confused about how to wire one up, I'd suggest just getting a complete lighting system.All you do is assemble the reflector ,remove the plastic, screw in the bulb,and plug in the ballast and timer if included.Set the timer and away you go.
I have both the one at the bottom of this list: And a smaller 150 watt light Since I can't vent my closet well enough for the big light to be used yet, I used the 150 watt hps, and grew a rather nice plant. A fan blowing directly on the bulb kept temps at acceptable levels.You could probably get two plants under it,then just use a few cfls along the sides if you feel you need them as the plant grows.
Here's a few pics of my plant later on in the flowering cycle.
Attached Thumbnails
helped a lil thanks

naked gardener

Active Member
Real quick, not trying to hijack anyone's thread,

But hey Stoney---Those are some NICE, plump look'n ladies you got in that closet.....and that's from a 150w???--that's what really shocks me--and that's what I love about RIU--before I got on here I would have scoffed at growing bagseed or using a 150--so, more than a few times now, I have been humbly schooled by the exp. of others......

and you're thumb is greener than my envy!! I miss my garden ):
does any one kno if i can put a 400watt Hps bulb in a reg. light bulb socket
NO do NOT do that. :-( For hps and MH you need a ballast and socket rated for the bulb.

You can get all you need to start a simple grow op at walmart or any local store like lowes/hd or whatever.

For vegging you want the CFLs with 6500k ratings, these are usually labeled with "Daylight".

If you are flowering you would want "Soft white" these have a 2700k rating. It never hurts to mix these though.

Next you can get 3 "Y" adapters that you screw into a socket and have a spot for 4 bulbs so you can get 100w of cfl from one socket basically.

I use cfls for my vegging plants(moms/clones) before they go in the flower cab.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thanks...let me clarify, that's only one plant. It was a feminized big Buddha Gbomb.
Real quick, not trying to hijack anyone's thread,

But hey Stoney---Those are some NICE, plump look'n ladies you got in that closet.....and that's from a 150w???--that's what really shocks me--and that's what I love about RIU--before I got on here I would have scoffed at growing bagseed or using a 150--so, more than a few times now, I have been humbly schooled by the exp. of others......

and you're thumb is greener than my envy!! I miss my garden ):

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think EVERYONE worries about that. But I really trust the attitude seedbank.They always seem to get the job done. If you are afraid of tracking,just get a prepaid debit card and use that.Mail them to your own address, and just use the normal option;the stealth is good enough,no need to buy a tshirt. Just order yourself enough seeds that you won't have to do it again for a while. You shouldn't have to sign for it, but if you do, don't panic,just sign. The seeds can be easily hidden.Leave them unopened until you're ready to use them.I'm paranoid by nature, I waited a couple of months before I grew mine just to be safe, although that probably wasn't necessary. Remember the golden rule and tell noone while you're growing. And if you're worried about a light giving you away because of the spike in electricity, remember that a 20 pint dehumidifier uses 480 watts-80 more than that 400 watt light so many people use.If you pay your bill and don't steal electricity, you should be fine.Here's a link to a thread I posted with appliances and their wattage usage.
One bit of advice I can give you; research thoroughly before you grow, and make sure you have EVERYTHING you need before you start.Do a test run of your light to make sure you can control the temperature in your grow space,make sure there are no light leaks, etc.A lot of folks get so excited about growing they want to start right away,and just buy what they can afford immediately or get less than is needed for a successful grow.Then you end up running back to the store for more and more as you need it,and the plant suffers for it.This is not a cheap hobby;the initial costs are probably about 400 dollars(and I'm just estimating there)give or take,depending on special pricing, coupons, etc. But the more grows you have under your belt,the more the equipment pays for itself.And there is nothing quite like the pride you feel when you harvest some really good smoke and realize that you've probably saved yourself money in the long run by cutting out dealers. And they can't say your drug money funds terrorism anymore, cuz you did it all by yourself!:bigjoint:
looked very nice i wish i could buy seed to beat to get cought