Help! Nute burn? Pictures!

My plants are 18 days into flowering and I have a problem... I think it is nute burn but after doing a res change and then dropping the amount of nutrients that are in it I still haven't seen any changes...

I am growing in Hydroton with Humboldt Oneness and Ginormous... I also add Botanicares CalMag and some Hygrozyme to the mix... Once a day I put 5ml of H2O2 in my res to kill any bacteria and oxygenate the water...

My room is at around 90F but I run co2 so higher temps are ok... I have an atmospheric controller that takes the guesswork out of the co2 and RH and other things like that...

I have been feeding according to the manufacturers "moderate" feeding schedule and I am using RO water as well...

I have looked everywhere and I am pretty sure that it is nute burn but I don't want to make anything worse and a second opinion would be great...

Thanks for the help,



Active Member
no no,90f is NOT ok,where are the readings taken from,heat stress id would say,losing too much water through the leaves,i get up to 82 once in a while inside the tent at the moment,and i am pushing it

whats your rh generally,mine is 25 average,sometimes 20 sometimes 35 but the meters now bust(spilt water on it methinks)
RH stays right around 30... temps are taken from the top of the tallest plant and from my atmospheric controller... I did a lot of research and read that when growing in a co2 enriched environment plants actually benefit from a higher temperature... is this not the case?



Active Member
90F is ok if your running CO2
It looks like nute burn, back off on those nutes!
yeah... that is what I thought... I just did a res change and I am using quarter strength nutes for a day or two and then I will slowly increase them again...


Active Member
You should know that increasing nutes should be a slow process, plants can take a few days to show signs of nute burn, and the way yours are now it might take a few days for them to stop burning. I would give them more time to adjust to a change in nute levels before you add more.


Active Member
32 degrees C is not ok for ganja plants,very bad for the leaves,their stipules will be constantly open,increasing the moisture loss exponentially

go back to previous nute schedule and see if that has a reaction,or stay the same like kno says before increasing

if this does nothing,my prognosis would appear to be correct


i definitely agree w/kno. im at 5.8pH, 73-81F, 35% rh, 1 wk flwr. The last week of veg i increased from 950 to about 1250 in one day and it took its toll, not huge but enough to scare the shit out of me and flush for 3 days. LESS IS MORE!
i definitely agree w/kno. im at 5.8pH, 73-81F, 35% rh, 1 wk flwr. The last week of veg i increased from 950 to about 1250 in one day and it took its toll, not huge but enough to scare the shit out of me and flush for 3 days. LESS IS MORE!
After talking to my friend and having him take a look too he said the same things... He even recommended only using half of the nutrients that the manufacturer recommends all the time... We will see... But as of now things are looking better so thanks again...
