ventilation/carbon filter question

If one were to use a 2x4x5 grow tent,would a 6inch inline duct fan with a free air cfm of 160 be enough to exhaust the tent through a carbon filter?and should the fan be pushing air through the carbon filter or should i have it pulling it through?The fan im talking about runs for only about 30 bucks and im on a tight budget.would this fan cut it?


Active Member
One of the guys who wrote a DIY thread on carbon filters only used a fan that moved 60 CFM and he still noticed a huge change in how his room smelled.

I think you'll be good :)
It depends on :

What size lights?
What size filter?
its gonna be lots of cfls (about 12 26watt bulbs) and im gonna do a bubbleponic grow in a rubbermaid tub or a couple bubble buckets.The carbon filter is a home maid job i learned from a thread on this site.its a can filter