Proof of corrupt politicians


Well-Known Member
Pennsylvania Democrat Jack Murtha ignoring votes and just going with his own agenda, irregardless of what the vote may say!
When the vote is taken you will barely hear anyone say "Aye" , when Mr Murtha calls for "Nay" votes about 99% of them say "NO" and still Mr. Murtha says the Ayes have it! LOL can you get anymore corrupt?


Just listen to him as he tells everyone who questions him that he is the decider, not the people who voted. He is basically saying that only his vote counts.


New Member
Good for him. It is refreshing to see a democrat with "guts". I wish we had more like him. Funny, when a democrat stands up to the repukes, they go ballistic. when Visa-versa, they clap in unity. Boy, there is certainly double standards in this forum, LOL.


Good for him. It is refreshing to see a democrat with "guts". I wish we had more like him. Funny, when a democrat stands up to the repukes, they go ballistic. when Visa-versa, they clap in unity. Boy, there is certainly double standards in this forum, LOL.
med, thats just fucking rediculous

so we need more people who just ignore how its supposed to be done and do what they wanna do anyway?


if by guts you mean the willingness to not only lie, but ignore a clear majority in no's, as well as ignore everyone who says he is wrong

another political statement not making sense by the medman


Well-Known Member
med, thats just fucking rediculous

so we need more people who just ignore how its supposed to be done and do what they wanna do anyway?


if by guts you mean the willingness to not only lie, but ignore a clear majority in no's, as well as ignore everyone who says he is wrong

another political statement not making sense by the medman
ya i agree, i regardless of political affiliation murtha is a douche, and anyone regardless of political affiliation who would do something like this with complete lack for their peers and the constitution is a douche


Well-Known Member
i for one certainly don't need proof that politicians are corrupt. i see it every single day.

the list is endless

the video shows a Murtha driving a vote with perhaps unauthorized power but
there is no context to decipher motive or procedure
so, it is irelevant

but somewhat interesting, as long as you're not trying to make a point


i for one certainly don't need proof that politicians are corrupt. i see it every single day.

the list is endless

the video shows a Murtha driving a vote with perhaps unauthorized power but
there is no context to decipher motive or procedure
so, it is irelevant

but somewhat interesting, as long as you're not trying to make a point

so if i murder some one and there is no motive...

then its irrelevant ?

totally makes sense.... not

who gives a shit WHY he did it, fact of the matter is he did.... and it is not ethical


oh, did he murder someone in that video? I hadn't noticed.

he did something wrong, and im sure its against some rule written some where to go against an obviously majority vote

fact of the matter is, he did something wrong and unethical

to say that because you cant decipher a motive so it doesnt matter is just mind boggling

honestly, it doesnt matter why some one does something thats wrong, only that they did...

this man thinks he runs the show, but soon he will be on his ass in the cold


Well-Known Member
he did something wrong, and im sure its against some rule written some where to go against an obviously majority vote

fact of the matter is, he did something wrong and unethical

to say that because you cant decipher a motive so it doesnt matter is just mind boggling
i was attempting to point out that there are a lot of parliamentary procedures in Congress that conflict with common sense.

there is no context in this video. we have no idea what happened before or after the video.

so so you even know what they were voting on? no.

anyway, who the fuck cares. they are for the most part, corrupt.


New Member
If our country were to be run like Murtha presided over that vote, we'd be under the thumb of a dictator.


Well-Known Member
What were they voting on? It was not a bill, because there is a big board that records everyones vote on bills.
it was an administrative vote to approve the journal. the house has a journal which is akin to "minutes" in which are recorded the matters considered and the votes.

it looked to me like the republicans and democrats were in a pissing match as to moving on to new business or adjourning. but, that's just a guess because there is no context to form an opinion as to what was really at issue.

of course, some people don't need context, just bullshit.