Why do conservatives try to act like Ronald Reagan was some sort of Republican God? Do they think the folks who lived through him have all forgotten?
Ronald Reagan was one of the key figures in making the War on Drugs what it is today. His regime portrayed all drug users as morally corrupt,addicted,dangerous junkies who were hopelessly hooked after one toke.He instituted mandatory minimum drug sentences, and an expensive anti drug propaganda campaign based on misinformation and outright lies that we still suffer from today.
Iran Contra!!!!
During his presidency, the deficit skyrocketed.
He cut funding for schools. Ketchup was to be classified as a vegetable.
He went after reporters who wouldn't agree with or push his propaganda to the American people.
He chopped social spending drastically.
He cut taxes for the rich,but not the middle class or poor.
He backed terrorists. We supplied weapons to insurgents in Nicaragua,and to Saddam Hussein himself.
He made fat cat ceo's even fatter.His policies increased the amount of their salaries to epic proportions.
Trickle down economics!!!
He had no sympathy for the mentally ill, closing down mental health hospitals as governor and later nixing programs proposed during his presidency to help the mentally ill.
The STAR WARS program cost billions of dollars for the American Taxpayer,only to be later abandoned.
He supported the deregulation of industries,which lessened accountability of said industries.
He ignored AIDS for nearly the entire time he was in office. Why? He believed maybe it was a punishment from god to those who were violating the ten commandments with their "illicit" sex acts.
He wanted to abolish Social Security.
He removed environmental protections with relish and appointed a secretary of the interior who didn't believe we needed to protect the environment because "The second coming of Christ was at hand."
Reagan had a plan to take over the government by staging a false national emergency...Dick Cheney was to be one of the members of this new government.This new government would have disregarded the constitution and created a dictatorship with Ronnie at its head,suspending elections indefinitely.He established a line of succession for this new government.Dick Cheney was one of them.
He blamed trees for pollution.
He refused to stand against Apartheid.
Neo-cons seem to forget...just because he didn't get a blow job in the oval office doesn't make him a saint.
There was an almost full page article in my morning newspaper about the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. Not one word ... not ONE ... mentioning the part that Ronald Reagan had in that important time in history.
I watched the news broadcasts last night as well. Again, not one of our "diplomats" mentioned Ronald Reagan in their speeches they gave in Berlin. The hero of the day as far as they were concerned was Mikael Gorbachev. Hillary Clinton is a freakin' bitch!
I'm sure that Winston Smith is still active at the Ministry of Truth ... and he continues flushing tid-bits of history down the hole at his desk in order to change the outcomes.
Does this piss off anyone else in the forum, or is it just me?